Rack Mount SystemsThe Diskus rack mount configuration uses six plates/bracketsand two trim pieces: the main front cover and the front panel LEDcover. Eight M6 X 10 slotted screws attach the rack hardware bitsto the Main Chassis.STEP 1: Identify the left and right front mounting ears. Each has apart number stamped on it; the left one is 8900-0995-01,the right is 8900-0996-01. The ear side with the twosmaller round holes attaches to the Main Chassis.STEP 2: Attach the right and left ears to the Main Chassis withfour of the slotted screws and a slotted screwdriver.STEP 3: Attach the rear support brackets to the sides of the MainChassis with four of the slotted screws and a slottedscrewdriver. Each bracket is identical, and should beoriented with the long end toward the rear of the MainChassis.STEP 4: Using your own hardware, attach the rear supports to theback of the rack where the Diskus Main Chassis is to beinstalled. The bottom of the Main Chassis is 2 5/8 inches(6.6 cm.) below the bottom edge of the rear supports.STEP 5: Slide the Diskus Main Chassis into the rack so that therear supports fit into the rear support brackets. Usingyour own hardware, fasten the Main Chassis front rackears to the rack.STEP 6: Orient the main front cover, as shown on the next page,and snap it onto the Main Chassis front panel mountingposts.STEP 7: Snap the front panel LED cover onto the Main Chassisfront panel cover.Assembling the Main Chassis Diskus Technical Guide7-12 Installation 9100-0217-02 - SEP 95