Transfer a file from Diskus to the computerHere is an example transfer. Enter the text in bold.get 5 yuvtestfile (get yuv frame 5and name it yuvtestfile)200 PORT command successful.150 Data connection for 5 (,50385)(699840 bytes)226 Transfer complete.699840 bytes received.The transfer is now complete.Transfer the file back to DiskusSend the file back to Diskus as frame 6:put yuvtestfile 6 (put yuv fileyuvtestfile to frame 6)200 PORT command successful.150 Data connection for 6 (,50384).699840/699840 bytes sent.226 Transfer complete.The transfer is now complete.Exit the FTP sessionType quit to exit the session.PC, Mac, and Power PC Initial Setup Diskus Technical Guide7-68 Installation 9100-0217-02 - SEP 95