CELL-DYN 3000 System Operator’s Manual 11-19140240E — May 1995Chapter 11PrinterIntroductionThe CELL-DYN® 3000 has the capability of printing graphics reportsand ticket printouts. The printer can be configured as either a graphicsprinter for graphics reports or a ticket printer for blank or preprintedtickets. The same printer can be used for either configuration, but if bothtickets and graphics reports are required, two printers must be installed.Graphics or ticket reports can be automatically printed at the completionof each run cycle or on command by the operator.Instructions for the installation of either printer are given in the PrinterInstallation section of Chapter 2, Installation. Complete directions forcustomizing the printout type and format are given in the Set UpInstructions section of Chapter 5, Operating Instructions.For a detailed description of the printer components and instructions forchanging the ribbon and loading paper, refer to the manuals thataccompany the printer. In particular, note the important safetyinstructions.Printing Graphics ReportsTo print graphics, the printer cable must be connected to the graphicsprinter port on the back of the Data Station. (See Figure 2.1 for thelocation of this port.) Refer to the Customize Printout section in the SetUp section of Chapter 5, Operating Instructions, for instructions forcustomizing the printout.Printing TicketsThe printer can be used to print result data on blank or pre-printedtickets. Blank tickets are available in continuous tractor-feed sheets.(These tickets are loaded like continuous-feed paper.) Preprinted ticketsare loaded individually.This section gives information about printing tickets and instructions forloading individual pre-printed tickets in the printer when it is configuredto print tickets.