Multi-Company Variant Configuring the Multi-Company Variant166Only when this package has been activated are the fields required to configure themulti-company variant available in the other menus of the Web console, forexample in the User Manager: User groups menu or in the PBX Configuration:Trunks menu.16.1.2 Configuring and Managing CompaniesUp to five companies can be configured in the OpenCom 510. By default, onecompany with the name “Company 1” is predefined. All configuration settings, the user groups or in the trunk group configuration, apply to this predefineddefault company if not other company has been selected.Companies are set up and managed in the PBX Configuration: Companiesmenu:■ A new company is created in this menu using the command New. Eachcompany can be given a name up to 20 characters long. This name is then dis-played in all configuration dialogue boxes in which company-specific settingscan be defined.■ In this menu a company can be deleted again using the command Delete. If acompany is deleted which is still used at other places (in the user groups, forexample), the respective configuration is changed to the default company.■ The name of the default company can be changed, but the default companyitself cannot be deleted.16.1.3 Assigning UsersFor each user you must define the company to which they belong. This assi-gnment determines, for example, which company telephone book the user hasaccess to and which company-specific configuration data apply to them.As the OpenCom 510 manages users in groups, the assignment “user > company”is also established this way. The company to which each user group belongs mustbe defined for each group. A user group can only belong to one company, i.e. notto several. However, a company can have several user groups. It is therefore pos-sible, in the same way as in the entire system, to allocate a range of authorisationrights for the use and configuration of features for each company.