DECTnetIP Configuration132the base station that you have selected to be the DECTnetIP Manager. The MACaddress of the base station is located on its type label. Enter a fixed IP address forthis base station. All other base stations can be operated using either a fixed IPaddress or an IP address assigned dynamically via DHCP. Configuration of theDECTnetIP-Manager must work via a static DHCP entry. Please refer to the infor-mation given in the chapter entitled LAN DHCP Server starting on page 124.Note: A base station cannot be operated as a DECTnetIP Ma-nager and a WLAN-Access Point simultaneously.Create a separate entry for each DECTnetIP base station and for the DECTnetIPManager as well. You use these entries to determine the VoIP data compression(Profile).Configurator: PBX Configuration: Devices: DECTnetIPUser administration and set-up of DECT terminals is done in the Configurator ofthe OpenCom 510 as well.The DECTnetIP Manager offers a separate web user interface to manage the set-tings of devices with WLAN functions. Therefore at least one WLAN-RFP has to beconfigured. If everthing is configured correctly, you will see the WLAN Config link.Login as the user “Administrator” with the currently set administrator’s passwordof the OpenCom 510.11.2.1 Dual operationSimultaneous operation of base stations via Upn access and base stations viaEthernet access is possible with the OpenCom 510. Transparent handovers, forexample, are only possible when between DECT base stations using the same