Accessing Options on the Cordless Handset41-001381-00 REV01 – 06.2013 159Mute Key (æ)Use the mute key when you want to be able to hear a caller but have them not hear you. Press the æ key to mute thehandset. Press the æ key again to disengage mute. The "Microphone Mute" prompt displays when mute is activated.Redial Key (ß)The Redial key displays a list of the last 10 calls made from the handset. Use the Ï and  to scroll through the list.Feature Key List (Ï)The 9480i CT cordless handset supports a programmable feature key list for easy access to common features. The availablefeatures include line keys (1-9), intercom, directory, callers list, transfer, conference, and public/private call mode. For moreinformation about the feature keys, see “Feature Keys on the Handset” on page 154.Menu List (Â)The Menu list allows access to intercom calling, and personalization of handset including language, ring tone, vibrate,backlight and silent alert. Please refer to the section “Accessing Options on the Cordless Handset” on page 150.Battery ChargingThe handset is powered by a nickel metal hydride battery pack. To install and charge the battery:Note:You can also place the handset in the charger cradle to end the call.• To silent the ringing during an incoming call.• To exit feature such as Menu (options), Directory, Callers, Redial, Predial.Note:Pressing this key in a feature does not terminate an active call.1. Slide the cover of the battery compartment.2. Place the battery pack in the compartment with the connector wires pointing towards the bottom of the handset.3. Connect the battery terminal wire to the charging pins located in the compartment4. Slide the cover of the battery compartment back onto the handset5. Place the handset, face up, in the charging cradle. The handset should easily slide into the charging cradle. If it doesnot, check the battery compartment cover to ensure it is in the proper position.6. To confirm that the battery is charging, check the battery icon symbol on the handset display to see if the lines insidethe icon are flashing left to right.Note:The battery must be charged for a minimum of six hours prior to initial usage of the phone.