FISHTYPE OF DISHTrue Fan Cooking Cookingtime [min] NotesShelf po-sitionTemp[°C]Trout / Seabream2 175 40 - 55 3 - 4 fishTuna fish / Sal-mon2 175 35 - 60 4 - 6 fillets9.5 GrillingPreheat the empty oven for 3 mi-nutes, before cooking.Quantity Grilling Cooking time [min]TYPE OF DISH Pieces [g] Shelf po-sitionTemp[°C]1st side 2nd sideFillet steaks 4 800 4 max. 12 - 15 12 - 14Beef steaks 4 600 4 max. 10 - 12 6 - 8Sausages 8 - 4 max. 12 - 15 10 - 12Pork chops 4 600 4 max. 12 - 16 12 - 14Chicken (cut in2)2 1000 4 max. 30 - 35 25 - 30Kebabs 4 - 4 max. 10 - 15 10 - 12Breast of chick-en4 400 4 max. 12 - 15 12 - 14Hamburger 6 600 4 max. 20 - 30 -Fish fillet 4 400 4 max. 12 - 14 10 - 12Toasted sand-wiches4 - 6 - 4 max. 5 - 7 -Toast 4 - 6 - 4 max. 2 - 4 2 - 39.6 Turbo GrillingBeefTYPE OF DISH Quantity Shelf posi-tionTemperature[°C] Time [min]Roast beef or fil-let, rareper cm ofthickness 1 or 2 190 - 200 1) 5 - 6Roast beef or fil-let, mediumper cm ofthickness 1 or 2 180 - 190 1) 6 - 8Roast beef or fil-let, well doneper cm ofthickness 1 or 2 170 - 180 1) 8 - 101) Preheat the oven.14