Clock function ApplicationEnd To set when the appliance must be deactivated.You can use Duration andEnd at the same time to setthe time when the appliancemust be activated and then de-activated. First set Duration ,then End .6.2 Setting the clock functions1. For Duration and End , set anoven function and temperature. Thisis not necessary for the MinuteMinder .2. Press the Selection button again andagain until the indicator for the nec-essary clock function minhr min3. Press + or - to set the time for thenecessary clock function.The display shows the indicator forthe clock function you set. When theset time ends, the indicator flashesand an acoustic signal sounds fortwo minutes.With the Duration and Endfunctions, the appliance deacti-vates automatically.4. Press a button to stop the signal.5. Turn the knob for the oven functionsand the knob for the temperature tothe off position.6.3 Cancelling the clockfunctions1. Press the Selection button again andagain until the necessary function in-dicator flashes.2. Press and hold the button -.The clock function goes out aftersome seconds.7. USING THE ACCESSORIESWARNING!Refer to the Safety chapters.7.1 Trivet and Grill- / Roasting panTo roast larger pieces of meat or poultryon one level, put the trivet in the grill- /roasting pan so that the supports pointup.ENGLISH 9