Document 50934 Rev B 5/15/00 PN 50934:B183.0 Programming InstructionsProgramming Mode___7__77_7767764Note that as you enter information into theADT-UDACT, the digits will scroll across thedisplay from right to left3.1 EnteringProgram ModeYou are allowed a pause of up to 10 seconds in between each number while enteringthe code. After pressing the [ENTER/STORE] key, the ADT-UDACT will be inProgram Mode and display 00_F. You are allowed up to ten minutes of idle time atthis point before starting your programming, otherwise the ADT-UDACT will goback to Normal Mode. You also have a maximum of 10 minutes between any keystroke. All entries made prior to the 10 minute time-out are valid and stored.Once in Programming Mode, the ADT-UDACT will:• Ignore the Test and Clear keys.• Continue to communicate any events not previously acknowledged at theCentral Station prior to entering Programming Mode.Location 56 is factory set to = 0, ADT-UDACT communications disabled. This keepsthe communicator off until location 56 is changed to 1, 2, 3 or 4. Refer to programselection for address 56 in this section. Once location 56 is changed from 0 and avalid phone number is entered, transmission of the "ADT-UDACT off Normal" reportwill occur.Programming of the ADT-UDACT is possible at any time including while theADT-UDACT is communicating with a Central Station.The ADT-UDACT has been designed for many different types of applications. Afterexamining your specific application, review the programming options and choose theentries best suited for your system.The ADT-UDACT has a built-in programmer. All programming selections are storedin nonvolatile Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM).This ensures that the ADT-UDACT will retain all entries made in programming modeeven if both AC and battery power are removed.The user must program the primary and secondary phone numbers, account numbersand 24 hour test report times for each Central Station account and the current time.The ADT-UDACT comes with factory chosen options/features already programmed.Other options/features may be programmed if desired. If all factory default settingsare acceptable, programming is complete.To enter the Program Mode, press the MODE key once, (the display will go blank)you then have ten seconds to start entering the code (7764) .☛ 7764 spells PROG on a Touch-Tone® phoneIf an incorrect key is entered, reenter the proper 4-digit code before pressing the[ENTER/STORE] key