Document 50934 Rev B 5/15/00 PN 50934:B16MR-101/C(MR-201/C may be used)Note: M300 Series Monitor Module is used to supervise Normally Closed output of MR-101/C. On ADT-UDACTtrouble and Comm Fail, MR-101/C relay contact will open causing the monitor module to transmit troublecondition to FACP.Figure 2-3: Monitoring for ADT-UDACT Troubleudactrbl.wmfADT-UDACTSLC Loop toFire AlarmControl Panel3.9K EOLResistor(included)Wiring in same roomas ADT-UDACTM300 SeriesMonitor Module018/24115230All wiring to relay must bein the same room within 20feet of ADT-UDACT and inconduit.NCCNOONEarth GrndComm Fail+24 VDC