VISTA-128BP/VISTA-250BP Installation and Setup Guide4-2Entry Errors• If an address is improperly entered, the keypaddisplays “FC.”• If a program entry is improperly entered (forexample, a larger number than is permitted), thekeypad display will go blank.In either of the above cases, simply re-enter [✳] + thecorrect field number and then enter the correct data.Programming System-Wide Data FieldsValues for some programming fields are system-wide(global), and some can be different for each partition(partition-specific).The partition-specific programming fields areautomatically skipped when programming theglobal fields. If the system has only 1 partition,the partition-specific fieldsare notautomatically skipped.To program system-wide data fields, perform thefollowing steps:Step Action1 Enter Program Mode: Installer Code + 8 0 0 0.The following display appears:Program Mode✳Fill # View – 002 If the control has not been programmed before,enter ✳97 to load factory defaults.3 Press [✳] and enter the first field number to beprogrammed (for example, ✳00, InstallersCode). Make the desired entry. When the fieldis complete, the keypad beeps three times andadvances to the next field. If you do not wantto change the next field, press [✳] and enter thenext field number to be programmed.First Page of fields(✳00 - ✳90)To change to the next page of fields, press ✳94.To return to the previous page of fields, press✳99.4 Press ✳99 or ✳98 to exit Program Mode.NOTE: If the number of digits that you enter in a datafield is fewer than the maximum permitted (forexample, a phone number), the keypad displays the lastentry and waits. To proceed, enter [✳] + the next datafield you wish to program.Programming Partition-Specific Data FieldsTo program partition-specific data fields once inProgram Mode, do the following:Step Action1 Enter Program Mode: Installer Code + 8 0 00.2 Press ✳91, which will prompt you for thepartition number desired.3 Enter a partition-specific field number (e.g.,✳09) to begin programming.When the first field’s entry is completed, thenext partition-specific field is automaticallydisplayed. When all partition-specific fieldsare programmed, the system returns to theglobal programming fields (page 1 fields).4 Repeat this procedure for each partition inthe installation.NOTE: To return to the global program fields beforefinishing all fields, enter any global field number.Programming Partition-Specific FieldsPress ✳91 to select a partition.↓Enter the partition to be programmed.↓Enter a partition-specific field number and make entry.↓After partition-specific fields are programmed,press ✳91 to select next partition.Enter any global field number to return to the globalfields at any time.#93 Menu Mode ProgrammingThe #93 Menu Mode is an interactive mode throughwhich much of the system’s programming is done. Inthis mode, there are “question and answer” promptsthat can be accessed once Data Field Program Modehas been entered. These prompts require a 2-line alphakeypad (6139/6160).After programming all system-related programmingfields in the usual way, press #93 while still inprogramming mode to display the first choice of themenu-driven programming functions. Press 0 (NO) or 1(YES) in response to the displayed menu selection.Pressing 0 will display the next choice in sequence.