Section 3 - Installing the Control3-3Installing the Keypads• Up to 31 addressable keypads (addresses 00-30)may be used (you may need to use an auxiliarypower supply if the 750mA aux. output isexceeded). The following keypads may be used:• 2-line alpha display, 6139/6160To wire the keypads, perform the following steps:Step ActionDetermine wire gauge by referring to theWire Run Length/Gauge table below.Wire Run Length/Gauge TableWire Gauge Length#22 gauge 450 feet#20 gauge 700 feet#18 gauge 1100 feet#16 gauge 1750 feet12 Wire keypads to a single wire run or connectindividual keypads to separate wire runs.The maximum wire run length from thecontrol to a keypad, which is homerun backto the control must not exceed the lengthslisted in the table.3 Run field wiring from the control to thekeypads (using standard 4-conductor cableof the wire gauge determined in step 1).4 Connect the keypad(s) to terminals 6, 7, 8,and 9 on the control board, as shown inFigure 3-4.• The length of all wire runs combined,regardless of the wire gauge, must notexceed 2000 feet when unshielded quadconductor cable is used (1000 feet ifunshielded cable is run in conduit, whichacts a shield, or if shielded cable is used).• If more than one keypad is wired to one run,then the above maximum lengths must bedivided by the number of keypads on the run(e.g., the maximum length is 225 feet if twokeypads are wired on a #22 gauge run).KEYPADSBLACKREDGREENYELLOWCONTROLTERMINALS6789Figure 3-4: Keypad Connections to Control PanelAddressing the KeypadsThe keypads will not operate until they arephysically addressed and enabled in thesystem'sDevice Programming in the#93 MenuMode.Set each keypad for an individual address (00-30)according to the keypad's instructions. Set an alphakeypad for address 00 and other keypads for higheraddresses (00 and 01 are enabled in the system'sdefault program). Any keypads set for address 02 andabove will appear blank until they are enabled in thesystem's program. Each keypad must be set for adifferent address.• Do not set any keypads to address 31(nonaddressable mode). They will interferewith other keypads (as well as other devices)connected to the keypad terminals.• If an “OC” or “OPEN CIRCUIT” message ispresent on a keypad, data from the control isnot reaching the keypad. Please check yourwiring.Supplementary Power Supply for Additional KeypadsWhen the control’s auxiliary power load for all devicesexceeds 750mA, you can power additional keypads froma regulated 12VDC power supply (e.g., ADEMCOAD12612 (1.2A)). Use a UL Listed, battery-backedsupply for UL installations.Connect the additional keypads as shown in Figure 3-5,using the keypad wire colors shown. Be sure to observethe current ratings for the power supply used.• Make connections directly to the screwterminals as shown inFigure 3-5. Make noconnection to the keypad blue wire (ifpresent).• Be sure to connect the negative (–) terminalon the power supply unit to terminal 7 (–) onthe control.+– +6 7 8 9SUPPLEMENTARYPOWER SUPPLY–CONTROL TERMINAL STRIPAUX. AUX. DATAINDATAOUTIMPORTANT:MAKE THESECONNECTIONSDIRECTLY TOSCREWTERMINALS ASSHOWN.RED WIREBLACK WIREYELLOW WIREGREEN WIREBLACK WIRERED WIREGREEN WIREYELLOW WIREpwr_supply-002-V0TOMAINKEYPADTOSECONDARYKEYPADFigure 3-5: Using A Supplementary Power Supply