Section 3 - Installing the Control3-19Long Range Radio Connected to the ECPThe control can support an ECP Long Range Radio(LRR) (7820, 7835C, and 7845C are supported) thatconnects to control panel’s keypad terminals. Allmessages programmed for transmission via the phonelines may also be sent via the LRR. These messagesare transmitted in Contact ID format regardless of theformat programmed for the control in fields 45 and 47.We recommend that, if possible, you useContact ID for the main dialer. If Contact ID isnot used, certain types of reports are not sent.OperationThe VISTA-128BP/VISTA-250BP features DynamicSignaling Delay and Dynamic Signaling Prioritymessage reporting when Long Range Radio is used.These message outputs are accessed through data fields✱56 and ✱57, respectively. The Dynamic Signalingfeature is designed to reduce the number of redundantreports sent to the central station.The feature is described as follows:Dynamic Signaling Delay (Field ✱56)Select the time the panel should wait foracknowledgment from the first reporting destinationbefore it attempts to send a message to the seconddestination. Delays can be selected from 0 to 225seconds, in 15-second increments.Dynamic Signaling Priority (Field ✱57)Select the initial reporting destination for messages,Primary Dialer (0) or Long Range Radio (1).The chart below provides an explanation of how theDynamic Signaling feature functions.If Priority(✱57)is…And message is… Then…Acknowledgedbefore delayexpiresMessage is removedfrom queue and nomessage is sent to LRR.PrimaryPhoneNo. ("0")Not acknowledgedbefore delayexpiresMessage is sent to boththe Primary Phone No.and LRR.Acknowledgedbefore delayexpiresMessage is removedfrom queue and nomessage is sent toPrimary Phone No.LongRangeRadio("1")Not acknowledgedbefore delayexpiresMessage is sent to boththe Primary Phone No.and LRR.Additional LRR reporting options are defined byselecting the events for each subscriber ID in fields 58and 59. The reporting events are Alarms, Troubles,Bypasses, Openings/Closing, System Events, and Test.Also, within an enabled category, the specific eventmust be enabled for dialer reporting. If, for instance,zone 10 is enabled to report, but zone 11 is not, zone 10will report via the LRR, but Zone 11 will not.Messages are transmitted from the VISTA-128BP/VISTA-250BP to the LRR on a “first in/first out”basis. If events occur at the same time, they aretransmitted in order of priority. The priority from mostto least important is : Fire Alarms, Panic Alarms,Burglary Alarms, Fire Troubles, Non-Fire Troubles,Bypasses, Openings/Closings, Test messages, and allother types of reports.There are two subscriber IDs programmed into theLRR: primary and secondary. These correspond to thetwo subscriber ID’s programmed into the control foreach partition. If a subscriber ID for a partition is notprogrammed (disabling reports to that central station),the events enabled for the corresponding subscriber IDin the LRR will not be transmitted.If the event is to be reported to both phone numbers(dual reporting), then reporting through the LRR willbe done in an alternating sequence. The first event inthe queue is transmitted to both the primary and thesecondary radio central stations before transmitting thesecond event.If split reporting is selected for the VISTA-128BP/VISTA-250BP, then the LRR will send theappropriate reports to the primary and secondarycentral stations.Installing the ECP LRRTo install the ECP LRR, perform the following steps:Step Action1 Mount the radio according to theinstructions that accompany the radio.2 Connect the data in/out terminals andvoltage input terminals of the radio to thecontrol’s keypad connection points,terminals 6, 7, 8, and 9. See Figure 3-29.REDBLACKGREENYELLOWCONTROLTERMINALS7896ECP RADIOFigure 3-29: Wiring Long Range Radio to KeypadTerminalsSupervisionThe data lines between the control and the LRR, aswell as certain functions in the radio, can besupervised.If communication is lost or a trouble condition occurs,both the LRR and the control’s dialer can beprogrammed to send a Trouble message to the centralstation.NOTE: For complete information, see the InstallationInstructions that accompany the radio.