– 31 –Checking For Open ZonesUsing the ✴ READY KeyBefore arming your system, all protected doors, windows and other protectionzones must be closed or bypassed (see BYPASSING section). Otherwise thekeypad will display a "Not Ready" message. Using the READY key willdisplay all zones that are faulted, making it easier for you to secure any openzones.To show faulted zones:DISARMED - PRESS✴ TO SHOW FAULTSNote: Some keypads light a green LED whenthe system is ready. If not lit, the system is notready to be armed.READY1. Do not enter security code, but simply press ✴ .FAULT 005 FRONTUPSTAIRS BEDROOM Typical fault display2. DISARMEDREADY TO ARMSecure or bypass the zones displayed beforearming the system. The "Ready" message willbe displayed† when all protection zones havebeen either closed or bypassed.† NOTE: All or part of this message may bereplaced by a customized message programmedby the installer. Bear this in mind wheneverthe instructions indicate that the"DISARMED" or "READY" message will bedisplayed.