– 22 –Accessing Other PartitionsTo Access Another PartitionEach keypad is assigned a default partition for display purposes, and willshow only that partition's information. But, if the user is authorized, akeypad in one partition can be used to perform system functions in otherpartitions by using the GOTO command. Note that only those partitionsauthorized and programmed by the installer can be accessed in this manner.To GOTO another partition: READY1. Enter your security code, then press ✳ + partition number (0-8).Entering partition number 0 will return the keypad to its originalpartition.2. LOG-ON TO AAAAPART. X COMPLETEThe keypad will remain in the new partitionuntil directed to go to another partition, oruntil 2 minutes has elapsed with no keypadactivity.AAAA = alpha descriptor programmed by theinstallerX = partition numberGlobal ArmingThe Global Arming option may be assigned for use by some users. If GlobalArming was enabled for use with your security code, a keypad prompt(message) shown below appears after pressing one of the arming functionkeys (STAY, INSTANT, AWAY, MAXIMUM, OFF).ARM P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8HIT 0-8 X X X - - X - -The prompt displays all the partitions. The usermay only arm/disarm the partitions they areassigned access to.To select the partition(s) that are to be armed,enter the desired number 1-8. An "X" will appearunder that partition. Entering a partition'snumber again will delete the “X” and thatpartition will not arm when this prompt is exited.Pressing 0 will turn all partitions the user isassigned access to on/off.When completed, press ✳ to exit. All the partitionswith the “X” will then arm/disarm.