33 This window now opens. Enter the dimensions on the screen (200 and 200) and then enter the measuredwidth and height. Note the Width is the left-to-right dimension as you face the cutter and the Height is theup-and-down measurement. Click on Calculate and the following window will open asking you if you want to accept these numbers asyour new resolution numbers. Answer Yes and then test again. Now, if either number is significantlydifferent from 1016 (more than 1030 or less than 1000), you may have made an error and you’ll want to re-enter your values again. After responding Yes, the Resolution numbers will be updated. If, after testing again, you find that you’restill slightly off, then just repeat again. If you need to be very precise and you cannot accurately measure thesides, then you can also just slightly adjust the actual numbers themselves using this as a guide:Click on small wrench icon hereClick on Resolution Calibration tabEnter width and heightthat you entered forW: and H:Measure the actual widthand height by measuringwith a ruler. Be as accurateas you can.Click on Calculate afterentering the measurementsAnswer Yes toaccept the newlycalculated valuesClick on OK to accept thesevalues or new values youmanually enter.Increase X Axis slightly tomake images cut a bitwider. Decrease X Axisslightly to make imagescut a bit narrower.Increase Y Axis slightly tomake images cut a bittaller. Decrease Y Axisslightly to make imagescut a bit shorter.Note that it doesn’tmatter which units areused. Just enter mmeven though it shows in.