206 A print preview shows that only the original graphic will be printed. Note how the registration marks areprinted based on the large white rectangle: After printing, proceed with the usual process.9.06.5 PNC with an Inset Cut Line This situation may seem to be identical to the one presented in 9.06.3. The difference is that the originaltrace line will not be eliminated because it is not desirable to eliminate parts of the original image. By usingthe following method, a bleed allowance is introduced. A pixel trace can often have areas where the trace line (cut line) will be outside of the original image. This isespecially true of tight interior corners or sharp turns on the image. This results in white areas appearingaround the print and cut: At the end of Section 7.13, it was shown how to use node and segment editing to correct the trace line sothat it better fits the original image. Sometimes, however, there may be more editing needed than would bepractical to do. In these cases, an inset cut line can be created. While the same method presented inSection 9.06.3 could be used, in this case it is desired to have what is called a bleed allowance (a margin oferror for cutting) by allowing the original larger image to still be printed. Select the traced image and access the Shadow Layer function in any of the following ways: Click on the Shadow Layer icon on the Magic Toolbar Press Ctrl+H Right click on the screen and select Shape Magic>Shadow Layer Go to Edit>Shape Magic>Shadow Layer.The red arrows indicate spots aroundour cow’s left ear where white areaswould show when cut. The originaltrace line doesn’t quite fit the image inthose spots.