233____________________Operating IssuesMy mat is rotating when the ACS-24UHF starts to cut! Both pinch wheels need to be gripping the mat. Move the mat either left or right so that it is under bothwheels.____________________The rollers are ripping the top layer of my material. It’s important to keep the rollers clean of adhesive. Use Un-Du or Goo Gone to thoroughly clean the wheels.Then either make sure the wheels are always over the material you are cutting or place strips of paperwhere the wheels will be crossing the mat.____________________Some of the buttons are hard to use on the control panel. I have to press really hard to get them to work. There is a tutorial available for fixing that. It’s very easy to do and will make a big difference:http://www.iloveknk.com/Support/Tutorials/Klic-N-Kut/Buttons Sticking - Cleaning the Control Panel.pdf___________________At low pressures the blade doesn’t touch the surface. That is correct. Simply increase the pressure, as necessary, to get a good test cut.____________________The ACS stops cutting when the screen saver comes on. This can happen with some computers. Turn off the screen saver before cutting.____________________During a cut, the ACS stopped and went into the Pause mode. The blade is trying to reach a point outside of the available cutting width. Turn off the cutter and click onCancel. Answer “Yes” to quit. Then turn the cutter back on. Set your origin closer to the far right limit so thatyou have the full cutting range width available.____________________Sometimes, while the ACS is turned on, but not cutting, there’s a faint whistling sound being emitted. This is due to what is called "micro stepping." It is a high pitched noise caused by idling between 2 veins onthe encoder, but shouldn’t be of concern to the user.____________________