The user can define the delayed inverse reset time characteristics with thefollowing formula using the set Curve parameter D.t s DIIk[ ] => −⋅21A060817 V3 EN (Equation 104)t[s] Reset time (in seconds)k setTime multiplierD setCurve parameter DI Measured currentI> setStart value11.2.3 Inverse-timer freezingWhen the BLOCK input is active, the internal value of the time counter is frozen atthe value of the moment just before the freezing. Freezing of the counter value ischosen when the user does not wish the counter value to count upwards or to bereset. This may be the case, for example, when the inverse-time function of an IEDneeds to be blocked to enable the definite-time operation of another IED forselectivity reasons, especially if different relaying techniques (old and modernrelays) are applied.The selected blocking mode is "Freeze timer".The activation of the BLOCK input also lengthens the minimumdelay value of the timer.Activating the BLOCK input alone does not affect the operation of the STARToutput. It still becomes active when the current exceeds the set Start value, andinactive when the current falls below the set Start value and the set Reset delaytime has expired.Section 11 1YHT530004D05 DGeneral function block features826 615 seriesTechnical Manual