• Only such CBBs that are set for the next shot in the sequence can be acceptedfor execution. For example, if the next shot in the sequence should be shot 2, arequest from CBB set for shot 3 is rejected.• Any CBB that is set for the next shot or any of the following shots can beaccepted for execution. For example, if the next shot in the sequence should beshot 2, also CBBs that are set for shots 3, 4 and 5 are accepted. In other words,shot 2 can be ignored.In case there are multiple CBBs allowed for execution, the CBB with the smallestnumber is chosen. For example, if CBB2 and CBB4 request an execution, CBB2 isallowed to execute the shot.The auto-reclose function can perform up to five auto-reclose shots or cycles. Configuration examplesOR CB_ TRIPCircuit breaker positioninformation from binary inputConditions to verify if circuit breakeris ready to be reclosedCB_CLOSEPHLPTOCI_ AI_ B STARTOPERATEI_ CBLOCKENA_ MULTPHHPTOCI _AI _B STARTOPERATEI _CBLOCKENA _MULTEFLPTOCIoBLOCK STARTOPERATEENA_ MULTDARRECOPEN _CBCLOSE _CBCMD_W AITINPROLOCKEDPROT_ CRDUNSUC_ RECLDEL _INIT _4DEL _INIT _3DEL _INIT _2INIT _6INIT _5INIT _4INIT _3INIT _2INIT _1SYNCINC_ SHOTPCB _READYCB _POSRECL _ONINHIBIT _RECLBLK _RCLM_TBLK _RECL_ TBLK _THERMAR_ONREADYA070886 V4 ENFigure 389: Example connection between protection and autoreclose functionsin IED configurationIt is possible to create several sequences for a configuration.Autoreclose sequences for overcurrent and non-directional earth-fault protectionapplications where high speed and delayed autoreclosings are needed can be asfollows:1YHT530004D05 D Section 9Control functions615 series 715Technical Manual