4.6 Frequency protection4.6.1 Frequency protection FRPFRQ4.6.1.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberFrequency protection FRPFRQ f>/f<, df/dt 81O/81U, 81R4.6.1.2 Function blockGUID-744529D8-E976-4AFD-AA77-85D6ED2C3B70 V1 ENFigure 260: Function block4.6.1.3 FunctionalityThe frequency protection FRPFRQ is used to protect network components againstabnormal frequency conditions.The function provides basic overfrequency, underfrequency and frequency rate-of-change protection. Additionally, it is possible to use combined criteria to achieveeven more sophisticated protection schemes for the system.The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block functionoutputs, timer or the function itself, if desired. Operation principleThe function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. Thecorresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".The operation of the frequency protection function can be described using amodule diagram. All the modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.Section 4 1YHT530004D05 DProtection functions494 615 seriesTechnical Manual