516 CHAPTER 22: F ILE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT[SW5500-luser-client002]service-type ssh4 Specify AAA authentication on the user interface.[SW5500]user-interface vty 0 4[SW5500-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode scheme5 Select SSH protocol on the Switch.[SW5500-ui-vty0-4]protocol inbound ssh6 Specify RSA authentication on the Switch.[SW5500]ssh user client002 authentication-type RSA7 Configure RSA key pair on the Switch.If you followed the procedure for generating and executing a ".bat" file containingkeys then you need not perform this step.[SW5500]rsa peer-public-key switch002[SW5500-rsa-public]public-key-code begin[SW5500-key-code]308186028180739A291ABDA704F5D93DC8FDF84C427463[SW5500-key-code]1991C164B0DF178C55FA833591C7D47D5381D09CE82913[SW5500-key-code]D7EDF9C08511D83CA4ED2B30B809808EB0D1F52D045DE4[SW5500-key-code]0861B74A0E135523CCD74CAC61F8E58C452B2F3F2DA0DC[SW5500-key-code]C48E3306367FE187BDD944018B3B69F3CBB0A573202C16[SW5500-key-code]BB2FC1ACF3EC8F828D55A36F1CDDC4BB45504F020125[SW5500-key-code]public-key-code end[SW5500-rsa-public]peer-public-key end[SW5500]ssh user client002 assign rsa-key key002You need to specify RSA private key which corresponds to the public key for the SSHuser client002.Run SSH1.5 client program on the PC that has been configured with private RSAprivate key and you can set up SSH connection.File SystemConfigurationThis section contains configuration information for the File System.Introduction to FileSystemThe Ethernet switch provides the file system module for your convenience to managethe storage devices such as flash memory. The file system provides you with thefunctions to access and manage the files and directories.In an Ethernet switch supporting expandable resilient networking (XRN), you caninput a path/file name in one of the following forms:Beginning with unit[No.]>flash:/, where, [No.] is the unit ID of a switch. This formindicates the path/file is on the specified unit. For example, the unit ID of a switch is 1,the URL of the text.txt file in the root directory on the switch must beunit1>flash:/text.txt.Beginning with flash:/. This form indicates the path/file is in the flash memory of thelocal unit.Direct path/file name. This form indicates the path/file is under the current workingpath.