450 CHAPTER 22: F ILE SYSTEM MANAGEMENTDownloading Files bymeans of TFTPTo download a file, the client sends a request to the TFTP server and then receivesdata from it and sends acknowledgement to it. You can use the following commandsto download files by means of TFTP.Perform the following configuration in User View.Table 495 Download Files by means of TFTPUploading Files bymeans of TFTPTo upload a file, the client sends a request to the TFTP server and then transmits datato it and receives the acknowledgement from it. You can use the followingcommands to upload files.Perform the following configuration in User View.Table 496 Upload Files by means of TFTPTFTP ClientConfiguration ExampleNetworking RequirementThe Switch serves as TFTP client and the remote PC as TFTP server. Authorized TFTPdirectory is set on the TFTP server. The IP address of a VLAN interface on the Switch is1.1.1.1, and that of the PC is The interface on the Switch connecting the PCbelong to the same VLAN.The Switch application switch.app is stored on the PC. Using TFTP, the Switch candownload the switch.app from the remote TFTP server and upload the config.cfgto the TFTP server under the Switch directory for backup purpose.Networking DiagramFigure 116 Networking for TFTP ConfigurationConfiguration Procedure1 Start TFTP server on the PC and set authorized TFTP directory.2 Configure the SwitchLog into the Switch (locally through the Console port or remotely using Telnet).If the flash memory of the Switch is not enough, you need to first delete the existingprograms in the flash memory and then upload the new ones.Operation CommandDownload files by means of TFTP tftp tftp-server get source-file [ dest-file ]Operation CommandUpload files by means of TFTP tftp tftp-server put source-file [ dest-file ]Switch PCNetworkSwitchSwitch PCNetwork