384 CHAPTER 20: CONFIGURATION FOR QO S F EATURESConfigurationProcedures in the SourceSwitchConfiguration Example Network diagram requirementsThe network description is as follows:■ Switch A is connected to the data monitoring device using Ethernet1/0/2.■ Ethernet1/0/1, the Trunk port of Switch A, is connected to Ethernet 1/0/1, theTrunk port of Switch B.■ Ethernet1/0/2, the Trunk port of Switch B, is connected to Ethernet 1/0/1, theTrunk port of Switch C.■ Ethernet1/0/2, the port of Switch C, is connected to PC1.The requirement is to monitor and analyze the packets sent to PC1 using the datamonitoring device.To meet the above requirement using the RSPAN function, perform the followingconfigurations:■ Define VLAN10 as remote-probe VLAN.■ Configure Switch A to be the destination switch, Ethernet1/0/2, the port thatconnects the data monitoring device, to be the destination port of remotemirroring. Disable the STP function for Ethernet1/0/2.■ Configure Switch B to be the intermediate switch.Table 406 Configuration procedures in the source switchOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view —Establish remote-probe VLAN,and enter VLAN viewvlan vlan-id The parameter vlan-id representsthe ID of the remote-probe VLAN.Define the current VLAN asremote-probe VLAN.remote-probe vlan enable Required.Exit the current view quit —Enter the Ethernet port viewof Trunk portsinterface interface-typeinterface-number—Configure Trunk ports so thatpackets in the remote-probeVLAN can pass throughport trunk permit vlanremote-probe-vlan-idRequired.Exit the current view quit —Configure the destinationgroup of remote mirroringmirroring-group group-idremote-destinationRequired.Configure the destinationports of remote mirroringmirroring-group group-idmonitor-port monitor-portRequired.The destination ports of remotemirroring cannot enable STP.Once a port has been configuredas a destination port of remotemirroring, its port type anddefault VLAN ID can no longer bemodified.Configure the remote-probeVLAN for the destinationgroup of remote mirroringmirroring-group group-idremote-probe vlanremote-probe-vlan-idRequired.Display the configuration ofdestination group of remotemirroringdisplay mirroring-groupremote-destinationOptional.The display command can beused under any view.