Remote Monitoring (RMON) 641Event GroupThe event group logs alarms or traps network event descriptions.Although alarm group thresholds trigger most events, other RMONgroups may define event conditions.RMON-2 Groups The system software supports seven RMON-2 groups defined by the IETFin RFC 2021 and one object from the probe configuration group.Table 100 briefly describes these groups.The RMON-2 groups are supported on Multilayer Switching Modulesonly.Table 100 RMON-2 Groups Supported in the SystemRMON-2 GroupGroupNumber PurposeprotocolDir 11 Provides a list of all protocols that the probecan interpret (protocols for which the probecan decode and count packets). Theprotocols can be different network layer,transport layer, and higher layer protocols.This group allows the addition, deletion, andconfiguration of entries in the list.protocolDist 12 Maintains a table of aggregate statistics onthe amount of traffic that each protocolgenerates per LAN segment (not for eachhost or application running on each host).AddressMap 13 Maintains a table that maps each networkaddress to a specific MAC address and porton an attached device and the physicaladdress on the subnetworknlHost 14 Provides network-layer host statistics on theamount of traffic going in and out of hostsbased on network-layer addressnlMatrix 15 A network-layer matrix that providesstatistics on the amount of traffic betweensource/destination pairs of hosts based onnetwork-layer address. It also maintains aTopN table to rank pairs of hosts based onthe number of octets or number of packetssent between pairs of hosts.alHost 16 Traffic statistics to and from each host byapplication layer. Same as nlHost except thattraffic broken down by protocols can berecognized by ProtocolDir