250 CHAPTER 14: V IRTUAL LANS (VLANS)n VLAN name — The name that you assign to the VLAN. It can containup to 32 ASCII characters. If the name includes spaces, enclose thename in quotation marks. The default VLAN always uses the nameDefault.n Dynamic VLAN configuration — The method that enables dynamicVLAN configuration of port-based VLANs and dynamic updates of IEEE802.1Q tagged port-based VLANs, using the GARP VLAN RegistrationProtocol (GVRP).n Ingress and egress rules — Ingress rules that determine the VLAN towhich an incoming frame belongs. If it cannot be assigned to anyVLAN, it is assigned to the null VLAN, which contains no ports and hasno associated address table in allClosed mode. Egress rules determinewhether the frame is forwarded, flooded, or filtered, as well as the tagstatus of the transmitted frame. For more information on ingress andegress rules, see “Rules of VLAN Operation” later in this chapter.Key Guidelines forImplementationConsider the following guidelines when you configure VLANs on yourSwitch 4007 system.Migration Path forNetwork-basedVLANsOn your multi-layer modules, you can either configure network-based IPVLANs or you can define a single VLAN with the protocol type IP and thendefine multiple IP routing interfaces fro that single protocol-based VLAN(an IP VLAN).If you decide to convert an existing network-based VLAN to aprotocol-based VLAN that has multiple interfaces associated with it, usethe following procedure:1 Remove any existing network-based VLANs on your Multilayer SwitchingModules.2 Define an IP VLAN or a VLAN that supports IP as one of its protocols.3 Define multiple IP interfaces (with different IP addresses) to use that IPVLAN. (See Chapter 16.)You can define up to 32 IP interfaces on each Multilayer SwitchingModule, including IP routing interfaces for static VLANs, router port IPVLANs (described in the next section), or any combination of static VLANsand router port IP VLANs.