Siemens SINUMERIK 810DE manuals
Table of contents
- Foreword
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Brief description
- Components of synchronized actions
- Definition of motion-synchronous actions
- Real-time evaluations and calculations
- Special real-time variables for synchronized actions
- Marker/counter variables
- Timers
- Synchronized action parameters
- R parameters
- FIFO variables (circulating memory)
- System variables saved in SRAM (SW 6.3 and later)
- Determining the path tangent in synchronized actions
- Determining the current override
- Capacity evaluation using time requirement for synchronized actions
- List of system variables relevant to synchronized actions
- Actions in synchronized actions
- Output of M, S and H auxiliary functions to the PLC
- Setting (writing) and reading of real-time variables
- Changing of SW cam positions and times (setting data)
- Polynomial evaluation SYNFCT
- Overlaid movements $AA_OFF settable (SW 6 and later)
- Online tool offset FTOC
- Online tool length offset $AA_TOFF[Index]
- Disabling a programmed axis motion
- Starting command axes
- Axial feedrate from synchronized actions
- Starting/Stopping axes from synchronized actions
- Axis replacement from synchronized actions
- Spindle motions from synchronized actions
- Setting actual values from synchronized actions
- Activating/deactivating coupled motions and couplings
- Measurements from synchronized actions
- Setting and deleting wait markers for channel synchronization
- Set alarm/error reactions
- Evaluating data for machine maintenance
- Call of Technology Cycles
- Coordination of synchronized actions, technology cycles, part program (and PLC)
- Control and protection of synchronized actions
- Protected synchronized actions
- Control system response for synchronized actions in specific operational states
- Mode change
- Response of active synchronized actions to end of program and change in operating mode
- Program interruption by ASUB
- Configuration
- Diagnostics (only with HMI Advanced)
- Displaying status of synchronized actions
- Displaying main run variables
- Boundary conditions
- Signal Descriptions
- Examples of conditions in synchronized actions
- Reading and writing of SD/MD from synchronized actions
- Examples of adaptive control
- Clearance control with variable upper limit
- Feedrate control
- Control velocity as a function of normalized path
- Monitoring a safety clearance between two axes
- Store execution times in R parameters
- Axis couplings via synchronized actions
- Non-circular grinding via master value coupling
- On-the-fly parting
- Technology cycles position spindle
- Synchronized actions in the TC/MC area
- Machine data
- Axis-specific machine data
- Signals
- A.1 Publication-specific information
- A.1.2 Overview
- Index
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Brief Description
- Detailed Description
- Ready signals to PLC
- Alarm signals to PLC
- Signals to/from panel front
- Index
- Signals to channel
- Signals from axis/spindle
- Signals to axis/spindle (digital drives)
- Signals from axis/spindle (digital drives)
- Functions
- Settings for involute interpolation
- Activate DEFAULT memory
- Supplementary Conditions
- Access protection via password and keyswitch
- Password
- Keyswitch settings (DB10, DBX56.4 to 7)
- Parameterizable protection levels
- Data Lists
- NC-specific machine data
- Channelspecific machine data
- System variables
- Signals to operator panel front
- Signals from operator panel front
- channel status
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Flexible NC programming
- Variable definition (DEF user-defined variables LUD, GUD, PUD)
- Array definitions (DEF, SET, REP)
- Indirect programming
- Tables
- Run string as parts program line (EXECSTRING)
- Assignments
- Arithmetic operations/functions
- Comparison and logical operations
- Precision correction on comparison errors (TRUNC)
- Priority of the operations
- Possible type conversions
- String operations
- Type conversion to STRING
- Type conversion of STRING
- Conversion to lower/upper case
- Look for character/string in the string
- Selection of a substring
- Selection of a single character
- CASE statement
- Control structures
- Program coordination
- Interrupt routine (SETINT, DISABLE, ENABLE, CLRINT)
- Axis replacement, spindle replacement (RELEASE, GET, GETD)
- Transfer axis to another channel (AXTOCHAN)
- NEWCONF: Setting machine data effective
- WRITE: Write file
- DELETE: Delete file
- READ: Read lines in the file
- ISFILE: File present in the NCK user memory
- CHECKSUM: Form the checksum over an array
- ROUNDUP: Round up
- Subroutines, Macros
- Subroutines with SAVE mechanism
- Subroutines with parameter transfer (PROC, VAR)
- Call subroutines (L or EXTERN)
- Parameterized subroutine return (RET)
- Subroutine with program repetition (P)
- Modal subroutine (MCALL)
- Indirect subroutine call (CALL)
- Repeating program sections with indirect programming (CALL)
- Indirect call of a program programmed in ISO language (ISOCALL)
- Calling subroutine with path specification and parameters (PCALL)
- Search path adaptation of the subroutines prepared during startup
- Execute external subroutine (EXTCALL)
- Subroutine call with M, T and D functions
- Suppress individual block (SBLOF, SBLON)
- Suppress current block display (DISPLOF)
- Cycles: Setting parameters for user cycles
- Macro technique (DEFINE...AS)
- File and Program Management
- Working memory
- Defining user data
- Protection levels for user data, MD, SD and NC commands
- Automatic activation of GUDs and MACs
- Change the protection data for the machine and setting data (REDEF MD, SD)
- Protection levels for NC commands (REDEF)
- REDEF Changing the attributes of the NC language elements
- SEFORM structuring statement in the Step editor
- Protection zones
- Activating, deactivating protection zones (CPROT, NPROT)
- Checking for protection zone violation, working area limitation and software limits
- Special Motion Commands
- Spline grouping (SPLINEPATH)
- Polynomial interpolation (POLY, POLYPATH)
- Settable path reference (SPATH, UPATH)
- Measurements with touch trigger probe (MEAS, MEAW)
- Extended measuring function (MEASA, MEAWA, MEAC) (option)
- Special functions for OEM users (OEMIPO1, OEMIPO2, G810 to G829)
- Programmable servo parameter set (SCPARA)
- Coordinate transformation via frame variables
- Predefined frame variable ($P_BFRAME, $P_IFRAME, $P_PFRAME, $P_ACTFRAME)
- Frame variables / assigning values to frames
- Reading and changing frame components (TR, FI, RT, SC, MI)
- Linking complete frames
- Defining new frames (DEF FRAME)
- Coarse and fine offsets (CFINE; CTRANS)
- DRF offset
- External zero offset
- Preset offset (PRESETON)
- Deactivating frames (DRFOF, G53, G153, and SUPA)
- Frame calculation from three measuring points in space (MEAFRAME)
- NCU global frames
- Channel-specific frames ($P_CHBFR, $P_UBFR)
- Frames active in the channel
- General programming of transformation types
- Orientation movements for transformations
- Overview of orientation transformation TRAORI
- Three, four and five axis transformation (TRAORI)
- Variants of orientation programming and initial setting (OTIRESET)
- Programming of the tool orientation (A..., B..., C..., LEAD, TILT)
- Face milling (3D-milling A4, B4, C4, A5, B5, C5)
- Orientation axis reference (ORIWKS, ORIMKS)
- Programming the orientation axes (ORIAXES, ORIVECT, ORIEULER, ORIRPY)
- Orientation programming along the peripheral surface of a taper (ORIPLANE, ORICONxx)
- Orientation polynomials (PO[angle], PO[coordinate])
- Rotations of the tool orientation (ORIROTA, ORIROTR/TT, ORIROTC, THETA)
- Orientations relative to the path
- Interpolation of the tool rotation relative to the path (ORIROTC, THETA)
- Smoothing of orientation characteristic (ORIPATHS A8=, B8=, C8=)
- Compression of the orientation COMPON (A..., B..., C..., THETA)
- Online tool length compensation (TOFFON, TOFFOF)
- Kinematic transformation
- Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL)
- Inclined axis (TRAANG)
- Inclined axis programming (G05, G07)
- Cartesian PTP travel
- Constraints when selecting a transformation
- Deselect transformation (TRAFOOF)
- Chained transformations (TRACON, TRAFOOF)
- Replaceable geometry axes (GEOAX)
- Offset memory
- Language commands for tool management
- Online tool compensation (PUTFTOCF, PUTFTOC, FTOCON, FTOCOF)
- Keep tool radius compensation constant (CUTCONON)
- Activate 3D tool offsets (CUT3DC..., CUT3DF...)
- D tool radius compensation: peripheral milling, face milling
- Tool types/tool change with changed dimensions (G40, G41, G42)
- Compensation on the path, path curvature, and insertion depth ISD and tool status (CUT3DC)
- Inside corners/outside corners and intersection procedure (G450/G451)
- D circumferential milling with limitation surfaces general use
- Consideration of a limitation surface (CUT3DCC, CUT3DCCD)
- Tool orientation (ORIC, ORID, OSOF, OSC, OSS, OSSE, OSD, OST)
- Free assignment of D numbers, cutting edge numbers
- Checking D numbers (CHKDNO)
- Renaming D numbers (GETDNO, SETDNO)
- Deriving the T number from the specified D number (GETACTTD)
- Tool holder kinematics
- Tangential control (TANG, TANGON, TANGOF, TANGDEL)
- Coupled motion (TRAILON, TRAILOF)
- Curve tables (CTAB)
- Principal functions curve tables (CTABDEF, CTABEND, CTABDEL)
- Behavior at the edges of curve tables (CTABTSV, CTABTSP, CTABMIN, CTABMAX)
- Axial leading value coupling (LEADON, LEADOF)
- Feedrate response (FNORM, FLIN, FCUB, FPO)
- Program run with preprocessing memory (STARTFIFO, STOPFIFO, STOPRE)
- Conditionally interruptible program sections (DELAYFSTON, DELAYFSTOF)
- Preventing program position for SERUPRO (IPTRLOCK, IPTRUNLOCK)
- Repositioning at contour (REPOSA/L, REPOSQ/H, RMI, RMN, RMB, RME)
- Motion synchronous actions
- Programming and command elements
- Validity range: Identification number ID
- Cyclic checking of the condition
- Actions
- Operators for conditions and actions
- Main run variables for synchronized actions
- Implicit type conversion
- GUD variables for synchronous actions
- Default axis identifier (NO_AXIS)
- Synchronized action marker $AC_MARKER[n]
- Synchronized action parameters $AC_PARAM[n]
- Read and write NC machine and NC setting data
- Timer-Variable $AC_Timer[n]
- FIFO variable $AC_FIFO1[n] ... $AC_FIFO10[n]
- Information about the block types in the interpolator
- Actions in synchronized actions
- Output of auxiliary functions
- Cancel preprocessing stop (STOPREOF)
- Delete distance-to-go (DELDTG)
- Polynomial definition (FCTDEF)
- Synchronized function (SYNFCT)
- Clearance control with limited compensation $AA_OFF_MODE
- Online tool offset (FTOC)
- Online tool length offset ($AA_TOFF[tool direction])
- Positioning movements
- Position axis (POS)
- Position in specified reference range (POSRANGE)
- Start/stop axis (MOV)
- Axis replacement (RELEASE, GET)
- Axial feed (FA)
- Axis coordination
- Set actual values (PRESETON)
- Spindle motions
- Leading value coupling (LEADON, LEADOF)
- Measuring (MEAWA, MEAC)
- Initialization of array variables with SET, REP
- Set/delete wait markers with SETM, CLEARM
- Travel to fixed stop (FXS and FOCON/FOCOF)
- Determining the path tangent in synchronized actions
- Determining the current override
- Time use evaluation of synchronized actions
- Technology cycles
- Context variable ($P_TECCYCLE)
- Call by value parameters
- Control processing of technology cycles (ICYCOF, ICYCON)
- Cascading technology cycles
- IF check structures
- Lock, unlock, reset (LOCK, UNLOCK, RESET)
- Delete synchronized action (CANCEL)
- Restrictions
- Oscillation
- Control oscillation via synchronized actions
- Punching and nibbling
- Automatic path segmentation
- Path segmentation for path axes
- Path segmentation for single axes
- Additional functions
- Check scope of NC language present (STRINGIS)
- ISVAR ( ) function call and read machine array index
- Learn compensation characteristics (QECLRNON, QECLRNOF)
- Synchronous spindle
- Electronic gear (EG)
- Activate electronic gear (EGON)
- Deactivate electronic gear (EGOFS)
- Revolutional feedrate (G95)/electronic gear (FPR)
- Extended stop and retract
- Drive-independent responses to ESR
- NC-controlled reactions to retraction
- NC-controlled reactions to stoppage
- Drive-independent stopping
- Drive-independent retraction
- Link communication
- Access to a global NCU memory area
- Axis container (AXCTWE, AXCTWED)
- Program runtime/Workpiece counter
- Workpiece counter
- Interactive window call from parts program, command:
- Influencing the motion control
- Percentage velocity correction (VELOLIM)
- User stock removal programs
- Contour preparation (CONTPRON)
- Contour decoding (CONTDCON)
- Intersection of two contour elements (INTERSEC)
- Traversing a contour element from the table (EXECTAB)
- Calculate circle data (CALCDAT)
- List of statements
- Glossary
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- SINUMERIK 840D powerline
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- The product SINUMERIK 840D/810D
- Switching control system on and off
- Operating areas
- Operator Components/Operating Sequences
- Operator panels
- Operator panel keys
- Machine control panels
- Machine control panel keys
- Feedrate control
- Spindle control
- Key switch
- Program control
- Standard PC keyboard MF-II
- Mouse operability with HMI Embedded Win32
- Screen layout
- Global machine status display
- Program control display
- General operating sequences
- Selecting and opening directory/file
- Changing menu window
- Editing inputs/values
- Confirming/canceling input
- Channel switchover
- m:n communication links
- Pocket calculator
- Blue screen error status screen
- Operating Example
- Typical operating sequence
- Machine Operating Area
- Parameters
- Program
- Operating mode group and channels
- Selection of operating mode / changing operating mode
- Services
- General functions and displays
- Display program level
- Switching between the machine/workpiece coordinate system (MCS/WCS)
- Display axis feedrates
- Display spindles
- Display G functions, transformations and swivel data record
- Handwheel
- Set actual value
- Start-Up
- Inch/metric switchover
- Actual value display: Settable zero offset system, SZS
- Jog operating mode
- Traversing axes
- Inc: Incremental dimension
- Repos
- SI (Safety Integrated): User confirmation
- Determine scratching/zero offset
- Displaying system frames
- MDA operating mode
- Save program
- Automatic mode
- Execute program
- Program editing
- Setting block search/search destination
- Accelerated block search for execution from external source
- Overstoring
- DRF offset
- Parameters Operating Area
- Tool data
- Tool offset
- Create new tool
- Display tool
- Delete tool
- Create new cutting edge
- Find cutting edge
- Determine tool offsets
- Tool offsets with D-numbers only (flat D no.)
- Make active tool offset operative immediately
- Tool management
- Tool management basic display
- Select new tool
- Display and modify tool data
- Load tool
- Unloading of a tool
- Relocating a tool
- ShopMill tool management
- Function scope
- Select tool list
- Set up more than one edge for each tool
- Creating duplo/replacement tools
- Enter tool wear data
- Service
- Managing magazine locations
- Delete tools
- Load or unload tool in magazine
- Relocating tools
- Sorting tools in the tool list
- Tool management ShopTurn
- Setting up more than one cutting edge for each tool
- Sort tools
- Manage magazine locations
- R parameters
- Setting data
- Jog data
- Spindle data
- Dry run feedrate for DRY mode
- Other types of setting data
- Protection zones
- Zero offset
- Display zero/work offsets
- Changing the settable work/zero offset (G54 ...)
- Activate work/zero offset and basic frame immediately
- Global work/zero offset/frame (Basic WO)
- User data/user variables (GUD, PUD, LUD)
- Program Operating Area
- Program types
- Program basic display
- Operating data
- Edit programs
- Selective program protection: RO
- Hidden program lines: Display HD
- Defining and activating user data (GUD, LUD)
- Defining and activating user data (GUD, LUD) via RS-232 C
- Free contour programming
- Graphic representation of the contour
- Create contour
- Changing a contour
- Contour elements general
- Create, change, delete contour elements
- Help
- Parameter description of the contour elements line/circle and pole
- Programming example of free contour programming
- Program simulation
- Milling simulation before machining
- Milling simulation during machining
- Manage programs
- File types, blocks and directories
- Handling files
- Create new workpiece/part program
- Execute a program on the NC for execution
- Execute Program from network drive, compact flash card, disk
- Storing a program
- Copy file and insert
- Rename file
- Delete file
- Workpiece template" function
- Services Operating Area
- Function
- Data selection
- Formats for saving and importing data
- PC format binary format
- Interface parameterization
- Main services screen
- Setting the interface
- Reading in data via RS-232 interface
- Inserting data from the clipboard
- Reading out data via RS-232 interface
- Reading out PLC alarm texts and cycle texts
- Execution from external source via RS-232 interface
- Restoring the original status via NC card
- Saving data to NC card
- Series start-up
- Upgrading
- Diagnosis Operating Area
- Basic display diagnosis
- Displaying alarms and messages
- Service display
- Service drive
- Service safety integrated
- Display and modify system resources
- Display version data
- Displaying loadable compile cycles
- General
- Change/delete operand value
- Selecting/creating operand forms for PLC status
- Setting the time/date
- Activate remote diagnosis
- Start-Up Operating Area
- Start-up basic display
- Display machine data
- Display options: Masking filter
- NC settings
- PLC settings
- Change HMI surface
- Traverse log
- Change language
- Initiate NCK reset
- Display or modify system resources
- A Abbreviations
- C References
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- SINUMERIK 840D/810D Operator's Guide ManualTurn (BAM) – 08.02 Edition
- Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
- Introduction
- The ManualTurn product
- Operator notes
- Switching on/switching off
- Operation
- Operator panels
- Machine control panel
- Mini handheld unit
- Graphics interface
- Operating system
- Operating modes
- Important function keys
- Important soft keys
- Pocket calculator
- Absolute and incremental dimensions
- Angle reference system
- Tool and cutting data
- Preparatory Functions for Machining
- Approach reference points
- Setup
- Incremental feed mode
- Offsets
- Preset
- Manual offset
- Delete manual offset
- Zero offset
- Spindle speed limitation
- Oriented spindle stop
- Tool
- Selecting/deselecting tool offset
- Measure tool
- Tool wear compensation
- Measuring system changeover inch/metric
- Turning Simple Contours
- Turning in manual mode
- Turning with path dimension input
- Turning with STRAIGHT mode
- Turning with CONICAL mode
- Turning with CIRCLE mode
- Turning with the contour handwheel and JOG keys +/–
- Turning with Cycles
- General notes
- Turning cycles in CYCLE mode
- Controlling thread cutting operations
- Re-working a thread
- Undercuts Form E and F
- Thread undercuts
- Drilling in longitudinal axis (center)
- Hole circle drilling
- Stock removal/grooving cycles in STOCK REMOVAL mode
- Grooving cycles
- Turning any Contours (Free Contour Input)
- Create new contour
- Symbolic representation of contour
- Graphic representation of contour
- Create contour elements
- Editing contour elements
- Stock removal against contour
- Machining residual material
- Single-cycle machining
- Program Creation with EasyStep and G Code
- Parts Program
- Creating a machining sequence
- Display machining sequence
- Program steps
- Special functions
- Insert G code step
- Program editor
- Switching off the program
- Single-step mode (single block)
- Tool nose radius compensation
- G code programming
- G code editor
- Create new parts program
- Editing program blocks
- Parts Program Management
- General
- Select a file
- Storing thread undercut and thread cycles
- Rename/copy file
- Error/transmission log
- General Functions
- Simulation and simultaneous recording
- Simulation
- Simultaneous recording
- Teach In
- Deselecting "Teach In"
- Transferring machining steps to system
- Transferring auxiliary functions to system
- Standard CNC operation
- Intervention in the Machining Process
- Aborting a machining operation
- Repositioning
- Saving manual offset with "Store offset" function
- Alarms and Messages
- Alarms and messages in ManualTurn cycles
- Messages in cycles
- Alarms with ManualTurn
- Description of alarms
- Examples
- Example 1: External machining with groove and thread
- Example 2: External machining with sphere
- Example 3: External machining with thread undercuts and grooves
- Example 4: External machining with thread undercut and groove
- Appendix
- A Abbreviations
- C References
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- SINUMERIK 810D powerline
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- System Overview
- System configuration
- Axis Expansion
- NCU Terminal Block
- I/O Modules
- Labeling and adhesive labels
- Installation Conditions
- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- Power supply
- Safe electrical isolation
- Earthing concept
- RI suppression measures
- Ambient climatic and mechanical conditions
- Operating conditions
- Exposure to contaminants
- Technical data of the individual components
- MPI network
- MPI network rules
- Design and Installation of the 810D
- Installing the SINUMERIK 810D
- Modification for external cooling, 2-axis CCU box (SW 5 and higher)
- Mains supply (MS)
- Description of the SINUMERIK 810D
- Interfaces of the SINUMERIK 810D
- Hardware interfaces overview
- CCU1/CCU2: Description of the interfaces operating and display elements
- CCU3: Description of the interfaces, operating and display elements
- Cable distributor
- Measuring system
- Evaluative encoder systems
- Measuring channels, indirect and direct measuring systems
- Integrated power sections: 3-axis CCU box
- Integrated power sections: 2-axis CCU box
- PLC module
- CCU1: 6th axis (SW 3.2 and higher)
- Axis expansion with the SIMODRIVE 611D closed-loop control module
- DMP Compact Modules
- DMP compact module 16O (6FC5 111-0CA02-0AA1)
- DMP compact module 8O (6FC5 111-0CA03-0AA1)
- DMP compact module 1I analog (6FC5 111-0CA04-0AA0)
- DMP compact module 1I NC analog (6FC5 211-0AA10-0AA0)
- DMP compact module 1O analog (6FC5 111-0CA05-0AA0)
- Maintenance and Service
- B References
- D Index-
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Edition
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- System overview
- System configuration
- Axis expansion
- I/O Modules
- Labels
- Connection Conditions
- Power supply
- Safe isolation to EN 61800-5-1
- Grounding Concept
- RI suppression measures
- Climatic and mechanical environmental conditions
- Operating conditions
- Technical data of the individual components
- MPI/OPI network rules
- Design and Installation of the 810D
- Assembly of the SINUMERIK 810D
- Alteration for external heat dissipation, 2-axis CCU box
- Description
- Description of the interfaces, operating and display elements
- Cable distributor
- Measuring system
- Encoder systems that can be evaluated
- Measuring channels, indirect and direct measuring system
- Integrated power modules: 3-axis CCU box
- Integrated power modules: 2-axis CCU box
- PLC module
- PCMCIA card (memory card)
- Axis expansion with SIMODRIVE 611D control plug-in unit
- NCU Terminal Block
- DMP Compact Modules
- DMP compact module 16O (6FC5111-0CA02-0AA2)
- DMP compact module 8O (6FC5111-0CA03-0AA2)
- DMP compact module 1I analog (6FC5111-0CA04-0AA0)
- DMP compact module 1I NC analog (6FC5211-0AA10-0AA0)
- DMP compact module 1O analog (6FC5111-0CA05-0AA0)
- Maintenance and Service
- A Abbreviations
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Description of workpiece points
- Definition of workpiece positions
- Polar coordinates
- Incremental dimension
- Plane designations
- Position of zero points
- Position of coordinate systems
- Machine coordinate system
- Basic coordinate system
- Workpiece coordinate system
- Frame system
- Assignment of workpiece coordinate system to machine axes
- Current workpiece coordinate system
- Axes
- Main axes/Geometry axes
- Special axes
- Channel axes
- Synchronized axes
- Command axes
- Lead link axes
- Coordinate systems and workpiece machining
- Structure and contents of an NC program
- Language elements of the programming language
- Programming a sample workpiece
- First programming example for milling application
- Second programming example for milling application
- Programming example for turning application
- General notes
- Absolute/relative dimensions
- Incremental dimensions (G91, X=IC)
- Absolute dimension for rotary axes (DC, ACP, ACN)
- Dimensions inch/metric, (G70/G700, G71/G710)
- Special turning functions
- Position of workpiece
- Zero offset (frame), G54 to G57, G505 to G599, G53, G500/SUPA
- Selection of working plane (G17 to G19)
- Working area limitation (G25/G26, WALIMON, WALIMOF)
- Reference point approach (G74)
- Travel commands with polar coordinates, polar angle, polar radius
- Traversing commands with polar coordinates, (G0, G1, G2, G3 AP=..., RP=...)
- Rapid traverse movement (G0, RTLION, RTLIOF)
- Linear interpolation (G1)
- Circular interpolation types, (G2/G3, CIP, CT)
- Circular interpolation with center point and end point (G2/G3, I=, J=, K=AC...)
- Circular interpolation with radius and end point (G2/G3, CR)
- Circular interpolation with arc angle and center point (G2/G3, AR=)
- Circular interpolation with polar coordinates (G2/G3, AP=, RP=)
- Circular interpolation with intermediate and end points (CIP)
- Circular interpolation with tangential transition (CT)
- Helical interpolation (G2/G3, TURN=)
- Involute interpolation (INVCW, INVCCW)
- Contour definitions
- Two straight lines (ANG1, X3... Z3... ANG2)
- Three straight lines (ANG1, X3... Z3... ANG2, X4... Z4...)
- End point programming with angle
- operating principle
- Programmable run-in and run-out paths (DITS, DITE)
- Linear progressive/degressive thread pitch change (G34, G35)
- Tapping without compensating chuck (G331, G332)
- Tapping with compensating chuck (G63)
- Stop with thread cutting(LFOF, LFON, LFTXT, LFWP, LFPOS)
- Lifting on retraction (LFTXT, LFWP, LFPOS, POLF, POLFMASK; POLFMLIN)
- Approaching a fixed point (G75)
- Travel to fixed stop (FXS, FXST, FXSW)
- Chamfer, rounding (CHF, CHR, RND, RNDM, FRC, FRCM)
- Exact stop (G60, G9, G601, G602, G603)
- Continuous-path mode (G64, G641, G642, G643, G644)
- Acceleration behavior
- Influence of acceleration on following axes (VELOLIMA, ACCLIMA, JERKLIMA)
- Smoothing the path velocity
- Traversing with feedforward control, FFWON, FFWOF
- Contour accuracy, CPRECON, CPRECOF
- Dwell time, G4
- Internal preprocessor stop
- General
- Frame instructions
- Programmable zero offset
- Axial zero offset (G58, G59)
- Programmable rotation (ROT, AROT, RPL)
- Programmable frame rotations with solid angles (ROTS, AROTS, CROTS)
- Programmable scale factor (SCALE, ASCALE)
- Programmable mirroring (MIRROR, AMIRROR)
- Frame generation according to tool orientation (TOFRAME, TOROT, PAROT)
- Deselect frame (G53, G153, SUPA, G500)
- Deselect DRF (handwheel) offsets, overlaid motions and transformation (DRFOF, CORROF TRAFOOF)
- Feedrate (G93, G94, G95 or F..., FGROUP, FGREF)
- Traversing positioning axes (POS, POSA, POSP, FA, WAITP, WAITMC)
- Position-controlled spindle operation (SPCON, SPCOF)
- Positioning spindles (position-controlled axis operation) (SPOS, M19 and SPOSA)
- Milling on turned parts (TRANSMIT)
- Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL)
- Feedrate for positioning axes/spindles (FA, FPR, FPRAON, FPRAOF)
- Percentage feedrate override (OVR, OVRA)
- Feedrate with handwheel override (FD, FDA)
- Percentage acceleration override (ACC option)
- Feedrate optimization for curved path sections (CFTCP, CFC, CFIN)
- Spindle speed (S), direction of spindle rotation (M3, M4, M5)
- Constant cutting rate (G96, G961, G97, G971, LIMS)
- Constant grinding wheel peripheral speed (GWPSON, GWPSOF)
- Programmable spindle speed limitation (G25, G26)
- Multiple feedrate values in one block (F.., ST=.., SR=.., FMA.., STA=.., SRA=..)
- Blockwise feed (FB...)
- Tool offsets in the control's offset memory
- List of tool types
- Tool selection/tool call T
- Tool offset D
- Tool selection T with tool management
- Turning machine with circular magazine (T selection)
- Milling machine with chain magazine (T selection)
- Tool offset call D with tool management
- Milling machine with chain magazine (D call)
- Activating the active tool offset immediately
- Tool radius compensation (G40, G41, G42)
- Contour approach and retraction (NORM, KONT, KONTC, KONTT)
- Compensation at the outside corners (G450, G451)
- Smooth approach and retraction
- Approach and retraction with enhanced retraction strategies (G460, G461, G462)
- Collision monitoring (CDON, CDOF, CDOF2)
- ½ D tool offset (CUT2D, CUT2DF)
- Tool length compensation for orientable toolholders (TCARR, TCOABS, TCOFR)
- Grinding-specific tool monitoring in parts programs (TMON, TMOF)
- Additive offsets
- Specify wear and setup values ($TC_SCPxy[t,d], $TC_ECPxy[t,d])
- Delete additive offsets (DELDL)
- Special handling of tool offsets
- Mirroring of tool lengths
- Wear sign evaluation
- Tool length and plane change
- Tools with a relevant cutting edge length
- Special functions
- M functions
- H functions
- Arithmetic Parameters and Program Jumps
- Unconditional program jumps
- Conditional program jumps (IF, GOTOB, GOTOF, GOTO, GOTOC)
- Subprograms and Repetition of Program Sections
- Subprogram call
- Subprogram with program repetition
- Program section repetition
- Tables
- List of addresses
- List of G functions/preparatory functions
- List of predefined subprograms
- Predefined subprogram calls in motion-synchronous actions
- Predefined functions
- Data types
- A.1 Abbreviations
- Glossary
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