
Siemens SINUMERIK 810DE manuals

SINUMERIK 810DE first page preview


Brand: Siemens | Category: Control Unit
Table of contents
  1. Foreword
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Brief description
  6. Components of synchronized actions
  7. Definition of motion-synchronous actions
  8. Real-time evaluations and calculations
  9. Special real-time variables for synchronized actions
  10. Marker/counter variables
  11. Timers
  12. Synchronized action parameters
  13. R parameters
  14. FIFO variables (circulating memory)
  15. System variables saved in SRAM (SW 6.3 and later)
  16. Determining the path tangent in synchronized actions
  17. Determining the current override
  18. Capacity evaluation using time requirement for synchronized actions
  19. List of system variables relevant to synchronized actions
  20. Actions in synchronized actions
  21. Output of M, S and H auxiliary functions to the PLC
  22. Setting (writing) and reading of real-time variables
  23. Changing of SW cam positions and times (setting data)
  24. FCTDEF
  25. Polynomial evaluation SYNFCT
  26. Overlaid movements $AA_OFF settable (SW 6 and later)
  27. Online tool offset FTOC
  28. Online tool length offset $AA_TOFF[Index]
  30. DELDTG
  31. Disabling a programmed axis motion
  32. Starting command axes
  33. Axial feedrate from synchronized actions
  34. Starting/Stopping axes from synchronized actions
  35. Axis replacement from synchronized actions
  36. Spindle motions from synchronized actions
  37. Setting actual values from synchronized actions
  38. Activating/deactivating coupled motions and couplings
  39. Measurements from synchronized actions
  40. Setting and deleting wait markers for channel synchronization
  41. Set alarm/error reactions
  42. Evaluating data for machine maintenance
  43. Call of Technology Cycles
  44. Coordination of synchronized actions, technology cycles, part program (and PLC)
  45. Control and protection of synchronized actions
  46. Protected synchronized actions
  47. Control system response for synchronized actions in specific operational states
  48. NC STOP
  49. Mode change
  50. Response of active synchronized actions to end of program and change in operating mode
  51. Program interruption by ASUB
  52. Configuration
  53. Diagnostics (only with HMI Advanced)
  54. Displaying status of synchronized actions
  55. Displaying main run variables
  56. Boundary conditions
  57. Signal Descriptions
  58. Examples of conditions in synchronized actions
  59. Reading and writing of SD/MD from synchronized actions
  60. Examples of adaptive control
  61. Clearance control with variable upper limit
  62. Feedrate control
  63. Control velocity as a function of normalized path
  64. Monitoring a safety clearance between two axes
  65. Store execution times in R parameters
  66. Axis couplings via synchronized actions
  67. Non-circular grinding via master value coupling
  68. On-the-fly parting
  69. Technology cycles position spindle
  70. Synchronized actions in the TC/MC area
  71. Machine data
  72. Axis-specific machine data
  73. Signals
  74. A.1 Publication-specific information
  75. A.1.2 Overview
  76. Index
SINUMERIK 810DE first page preview


Brand: Siemens | Category: Control Unit
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Flexible NC programming
  9. Variable definition (DEF user-defined variables LUD, GUD, PUD)
  10. Array definitions (DEF, SET, REP)
  11. Indirect programming
  12. Tables
  13. Run string as parts program line (EXECSTRING)
  14. Assignments
  15. Arithmetic operations/functions
  16. Comparison and logical operations
  17. Precision correction on comparison errors (TRUNC)
  18. Priority of the operations
  19. Possible type conversions
  20. String operations
  21. Type conversion to STRING
  22. Type conversion of STRING
  23. Conversion to lower/upper case
  24. Look for character/string in the string
  25. Selection of a substring
  26. Selection of a single character
  27. CASE statement
  28. Control structures
  29. Program coordination
  30. Interrupt routine (SETINT, DISABLE, ENABLE, CLRINT)
  31. Axis replacement, spindle replacement (RELEASE, GET, GETD)
  32. Transfer axis to another channel (AXTOCHAN)
  33. NEWCONF: Setting machine data effective
  34. WRITE: Write file
  35. DELETE: Delete file
  36. READ: Read lines in the file
  37. ISFILE: File present in the NCK user memory
  38. FILEDATE/TIME/SIZE/STAT/INFO: File information
  39. CHECKSUM: Form the checksum over an array
  40. ROUNDUP: Round up
  41. Subroutines, Macros
  42. Subroutines with SAVE mechanism
  43. Subroutines with parameter transfer (PROC, VAR)
  44. Call subroutines (L or EXTERN)
  45. Parameterized subroutine return (RET)
  46. Subroutine with program repetition (P)
  47. Modal subroutine (MCALL)
  48. Indirect subroutine call (CALL)
  49. Repeating program sections with indirect programming (CALL)
  50. Indirect call of a program programmed in ISO language (ISOCALL)
  51. Calling subroutine with path specification and parameters (PCALL)
  52. Search path adaptation of the subroutines prepared during startup
  53. Execute external subroutine (EXTCALL)
  54. Subroutine call with M, T and D functions
  55. Suppress individual block (SBLOF, SBLON)
  56. Suppress current block display (DISPLOF)
  57. Cycles: Setting parameters for user cycles
  58. Macro technique (DEFINE...AS)
  59. File and Program Management
  60. Working memory
  61. Defining user data
  62. Protection levels for user data, MD, SD and NC commands
  63. Automatic activation of GUDs and MACs
  64. Change the protection data for the machine and setting data (REDEF MD, SD)
  65. Protection levels for NC commands (REDEF)
  66. REDEF Changing the attributes of the NC language elements
  67. SEFORM structuring statement in the Step editor
  68. Protection zones
  69. Activating, deactivating protection zones (CPROT, NPROT)
  70. Checking for protection zone violation, working area limitation and software limits
  71. Special Motion Commands
  72. Spline interpolation (ASPLINE, BSPLINE, CSPLINE, BAUTO, BNAT, BTAN)
  73. Spline grouping (SPLINEPATH)
  75. Polynomial interpolation (POLY, POLYPATH)
  76. Settable path reference (SPATH, UPATH)
  77. Measurements with touch trigger probe (MEAS, MEAW)
  78. Extended measuring function (MEASA, MEAWA, MEAC) (option)
  79. Special functions for OEM users (OEMIPO1, OEMIPO2, G810 to G829)
  80. Programmable servo parameter set (SCPARA)
  81. Coordinate transformation via frame variables
  82. Predefined frame variable ($P_BFRAME, $P_IFRAME, $P_PFRAME, $P_ACTFRAME)
  83. Frame variables / assigning values to frames
  84. Reading and changing frame components (TR, FI, RT, SC, MI)
  85. Linking complete frames
  86. Defining new frames (DEF FRAME)
  87. Coarse and fine offsets (CFINE; CTRANS)
  88. DRF offset
  89. External zero offset
  90. Preset offset (PRESETON)
  91. Deactivating frames (DRFOF, G53, G153, and SUPA)
  92. Frame calculation from three measuring points in space (MEAFRAME)
  93. NCU global frames
  94. Channel-specific frames ($P_CHBFR, $P_UBFR)
  95. Frames active in the channel
  96. General programming of transformation types
  97. Orientation movements for transformations
  98. Overview of orientation transformation TRAORI
  99. Three, four and five axis transformation (TRAORI)
  100. Variants of orientation programming and initial setting (OTIRESET)
  101. Programming of the tool orientation (A..., B..., C..., LEAD, TILT)
  102. Face milling (3D-milling A4, B4, C4, A5, B5, C5)
  103. Orientation axis reference (ORIWKS, ORIMKS)
  104. Programming the orientation axes (ORIAXES, ORIVECT, ORIEULER, ORIRPY)
  105. Orientation programming along the peripheral surface of a taper (ORIPLANE, ORICONxx)
  106. Orientation polynomials (PO[angle], PO[coordinate])
  107. Rotations of the tool orientation (ORIROTA, ORIROTR/TT, ORIROTC, THETA)
  108. Orientations relative to the path
  109. Interpolation of the tool rotation relative to the path (ORIROTC, THETA)
  110. Smoothing of orientation characteristic (ORIPATHS A8=, B8=, C8=)
  111. Compression of the orientation COMPON (A..., B..., C..., THETA)
  112. Online tool length compensation (TOFFON, TOFFOF)
  113. Kinematic transformation
  114. Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL)
  115. Inclined axis (TRAANG)
  116. Inclined axis programming (G05, G07)
  117. Cartesian PTP travel
  118. PTP for TRANSMIT
  119. Constraints when selecting a transformation
  120. Deselect transformation (TRAFOOF)
  121. Chained transformations (TRACON, TRAFOOF)
  122. Replaceable geometry axes (GEOAX)
  123. Offset memory
  124. Language commands for tool management
  125. Online tool compensation (PUTFTOCF, PUTFTOC, FTOCON, FTOCOF)
  126. Keep tool radius compensation constant (CUTCONON)
  127. Activate 3D tool offsets (CUT3DC..., CUT3DF...)
  128. D tool radius compensation: peripheral milling, face milling
  129. Tool types/tool change with changed dimensions (G40, G41, G42)
  130. Compensation on the path, path curvature, and insertion depth ISD and tool status (CUT3DC)
  131. Inside corners/outside corners and intersection procedure (G450/G451)
  132. D circumferential milling with limitation surfaces general use
  133. Consideration of a limitation surface (CUT3DCC, CUT3DCCD)
  134. Tool orientation (ORIC, ORID, OSOF, OSC, OSS, OSSE, OSD, OST)
  135. Free assignment of D numbers, cutting edge numbers
  136. Checking D numbers (CHKDNO)
  137. Renaming D numbers (GETDNO, SETDNO)
  138. Deriving the T number from the specified D number (GETACTTD)
  139. Tool holder kinematics
  140. Tangential control (TANG, TANGON, TANGOF, TANGDEL)
  141. Coupled motion (TRAILON, TRAILOF)
  142. Curve tables (CTAB)
  143. Principal functions curve tables (CTABDEF, CTABEND, CTABDEL)
  145. Behavior at the edges of curve tables (CTABTSV, CTABTSP, CTABMIN, CTABMAX)
  146. Axial leading value coupling (LEADON, LEADOF)
  147. Feedrate response (FNORM, FLIN, FCUB, FPO)
  148. Program run with preprocessing memory (STARTFIFO, STOPFIFO, STOPRE)
  149. Conditionally interruptible program sections (DELAYFSTON, DELAYFSTOF)
  150. Preventing program position for SERUPRO (IPTRLOCK, IPTRUNLOCK)
  151. Repositioning at contour (REPOSA/L, REPOSQ/H, RMI, RMN, RMB, RME)
  152. Motion synchronous actions
  153. Programming and command elements
  154. Validity range: Identification number ID
  155. Cyclic checking of the condition
  156. Actions
  157. Operators for conditions and actions
  158. Main run variables for synchronized actions
  159. Implicit type conversion
  160. GUD variables for synchronous actions
  161. Default axis identifier (NO_AXIS)
  162. Synchronized action marker $AC_MARKER[n]
  163. Synchronized action parameters $AC_PARAM[n]
  164. Read and write NC machine and NC setting data
  165. Timer-Variable $AC_Timer[n]
  166. FIFO variable $AC_FIFO1[n] ... $AC_FIFO10[n]
  167. Information about the block types in the interpolator
  168. Actions in synchronized actions
  169. Output of auxiliary functions
  170. Cancel preprocessing stop (STOPREOF)
  171. Delete distance-to-go (DELDTG)
  172. Polynomial definition (FCTDEF)
  173. Synchronized function (SYNFCT)
  174. Clearance control with limited compensation $AA_OFF_MODE
  175. Online tool offset (FTOC)
  176. Online tool length offset ($AA_TOFF[tool direction])
  177. Positioning movements
  178. Position axis (POS)
  179. Position in specified reference range (POSRANGE)
  180. Start/stop axis (MOV)
  181. Axis replacement (RELEASE, GET)
  182. Axial feed (FA)
  183. Axis coordination
  184. Set actual values (PRESETON)
  185. Spindle motions
  186. Leading value coupling (LEADON, LEADOF)
  187. Measuring (MEAWA, MEAC)
  188. Initialization of array variables with SET, REP
  189. Set/delete wait markers with SETM, CLEARM
  190. Travel to fixed stop (FXS and FOCON/FOCOF)
  191. Determining the path tangent in synchronized actions
  192. Determining the current override
  193. Time use evaluation of synchronized actions
  194. Technology cycles
  195. Context variable ($P_TECCYCLE)
  196. Call by value parameters
  197. Control processing of technology cycles (ICYCOF, ICYCON)
  198. Cascading technology cycles
  199. IF check structures
  200. Lock, unlock, reset (LOCK, UNLOCK, RESET)
  201. Delete synchronized action (CANCEL)
  202. Restrictions
  203. Oscillation
  204. Control oscillation via synchronized actions
  205. Punching and nibbling
  206. Automatic path segmentation
  207. Path segmentation for path axes
  208. Path segmentation for single axes
  209. Additional functions
  210. Check scope of NC language present (STRINGIS)
  211. ISVAR ( ) function call and read machine array index
  212. Learn compensation characteristics (QECLRNON, QECLRNOF)
  213. Synchronous spindle
  214. Electronic gear (EG)
  215. Activate electronic gear (EGON)
  216. Deactivate electronic gear (EGOFS)
  217. Revolutional feedrate (G95)/electronic gear (FPR)
  218. Extended stop and retract
  219. Drive-independent responses to ESR
  220. NC-controlled reactions to retraction
  221. NC-controlled reactions to stoppage
  222. Drive-independent stopping
  223. Drive-independent retraction
  224. Link communication
  225. Access to a global NCU memory area
  226. Axis container (AXCTWE, AXCTWED)
  227. Program runtime/Workpiece counter
  228. Workpiece counter
  229. Interactive window call from parts program, command:
  230. Influencing the motion control
  231. Percentage velocity correction (VELOLIM)
  232. Master/slave grouping (MASLDEF, MASLDEL, MASLOF, MASLOF, MASLOFS)
  233. User stock removal programs
  234. Contour preparation (CONTPRON)
  235. Contour decoding (CONTDCON)
  236. Intersection of two contour elements (INTERSEC)
  237. Traversing a contour element from the table (EXECTAB)
  238. Calculate circle data (CALCDAT)
  239. List of statements
  240. Glossary
SINUMERIK 810DE first page preview


Brand: Siemens | Category: Control Systems
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. SINUMERIK 840D powerline
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Introduction
  11. The product SINUMERIK 840D/810D
  12. Switching control system on and off
  13. Operating areas
  14. Operator Components/Operating Sequences
  15. Operator panels
  16. Operator panel keys
  17. Machine control panels
  18. Machine control panel keys
  19. Feedrate control
  20. Spindle control
  21. Key switch
  22. Program control
  23. Standard PC keyboard MF-II
  24. Mouse operability with HMI Embedded Win32
  25. Screen layout
  26. Global machine status display
  27. Program control display
  28. General operating sequences
  29. Selecting and opening directory/file
  30. Changing menu window
  31. Editing inputs/values
  32. Confirming/canceling input
  33. Channel switchover
  34. m:n communication links
  35. Pocket calculator
  36. Blue screen error status screen
  37. Operating Example
  38. Typical operating sequence
  39. Machine Operating Area
  40. Parameters
  41. Program
  42. Operating mode group and channels
  43. Selection of operating mode / changing operating mode
  44. Services
  45. General functions and displays
  46. Display program level
  47. Switching between the machine/workpiece coordinate system (MCS/WCS)
  48. Display axis feedrates
  49. Display spindles
  50. Display G functions, transformations and swivel data record
  51. Handwheel
  52. Set actual value
  53. Start-Up
  54. Inch/metric switchover
  55. Actual value display: Settable zero offset system, SZS
  56. Jog operating mode
  57. Traversing axes
  58. Inc: Incremental dimension
  59. Repos
  60. SI (Safety Integrated): User confirmation
  61. Determine scratching/zero offset
  62. Displaying system frames
  63. MDA operating mode
  64. Save program
  65. Automatic mode
  66. Execute program
  67. Program editing
  68. Setting block search/search destination
  69. Accelerated block search for execution from external source
  70. Overstoring
  71. DRF offset
  72. Parameters Operating Area
  73. Tool data
  74. Tool offset
  75. Create new tool
  76. Display tool
  77. Delete tool
  78. Create new cutting edge
  79. Find cutting edge
  80. Determine tool offsets
  81. Tool offsets with D-numbers only (flat D no.)
  82. Make active tool offset operative immediately
  83. Tool management
  84. Tool management basic display
  85. Select new tool
  86. Display and modify tool data
  87. Load tool
  88. Unloading of a tool
  89. Relocating a tool
  90. ShopMill tool management
  91. Function scope
  92. Select tool list
  93. Set up more than one edge for each tool
  94. Creating duplo/replacement tools
  95. Enter tool wear data
  96. Service
  97. Managing magazine locations
  98. Delete tools
  99. Load or unload tool in magazine
  100. Relocating tools
  101. Sorting tools in the tool list
  102. Tool management ShopTurn
  103. Setting up more than one cutting edge for each tool
  104. Sort tools
  105. Manage magazine locations
  106. R parameters
  107. Setting data
  108. Jog data
  109. Spindle data
  110. Dry run feedrate for DRY mode
  111. Other types of setting data
  112. Protection zones
  113. Zero offset
  114. Display zero/work offsets
  115. Changing the settable work/zero offset (G54 ...)
  116. Activate work/zero offset and basic frame immediately
  117. Global work/zero offset/frame (Basic WO)
  118. User data/user variables (GUD, PUD, LUD)
  119. Program Operating Area
  120. Program types
  121. Program basic display
  122. Operating data
  123. Edit programs
  124. Selective program protection: RO
  125. Hidden program lines: Display HD
  126. Defining and activating user data (GUD, LUD)
  127. Defining and activating user data (GUD, LUD) via RS-232 C
  128. Free contour programming
  129. Graphic representation of the contour
  130. Create contour
  131. Changing a contour
  132. Contour elements general
  133. Create, change, delete contour elements
  134. Help
  135. Parameter description of the contour elements line/circle and pole
  136. Programming example of free contour programming
  137. Program simulation
  138. Milling simulation before machining
  139. Milling simulation during machining
  140. Manage programs
  141. File types, blocks and directories
  142. Handling files
  143. Create new workpiece/part program
  144. Execute a program on the NC for execution
  145. Execute Program from network drive, compact flash card, disk
  146. Storing a program
  147. Copy file and insert
  148. Rename file
  149. Delete file
  150. Workpiece template" function
  151. EXTCALL
  152. Services Operating Area
  153. Function
  154. Data selection
  155. Formats for saving and importing data
  156. PC format binary format
  157. Interface parameterization
  158. Main services screen
  159. Setting the interface
  160. Reading in data via RS-232 interface
  161. Inserting data from the clipboard
  162. Reading out data via RS-232 interface
  163. Reading out PLC alarm texts and cycle texts
  164. Execution from external source via RS-232 interface
  165. Restoring the original status via NC card
  166. Saving data to NC card
  167. Series start-up
  168. Upgrading
  169. Diagnosis Operating Area
  170. Basic display diagnosis
  171. Displaying alarms and messages
  172. Service display
  173. Service drive
  174. Service safety integrated
  175. Display and modify system resources
  176. Display version data
  177. Displaying loadable compile cycles
  178. General
  179. Change/delete operand value
  180. Selecting/creating operand forms for PLC status
  181. Setting the time/date
  182. Activate remote diagnosis
  183. Start-Up Operating Area
  184. Start-up basic display
  185. Display machine data
  186. Display options: Masking filter
  187. NC settings
  188. PLC settings
  189. Change HMI surface
  190. Traverse log
  191. Change language
  192. Initiate NCK reset
  193. Display or modify system resources
  194. A Abbreviations
  195. C References
SINUMERIK 810DE first page preview


Brand: Siemens | Category: Control Systems
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. SINUMERIK 840D/810D Operator's Guide ManualTurn (BAM) – 08.02 Edition
  7. Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
  8. Introduction
  9. The ManualTurn product
  10. Operator notes
  11. Switching on/switching off
  12. Operation
  13. Operator panels
  14. Machine control panel
  15. Mini handheld unit
  16. Graphics interface
  17. Operating system
  18. Operating modes
  19. Important function keys
  20. Important soft keys
  21. Pocket calculator
  22. Absolute and incremental dimensions
  23. Angle reference system
  24. Tool and cutting data
  25. Preparatory Functions for Machining
  26. Approach reference points
  27. Setup
  28. Incremental feed mode
  29. Offsets
  30. Preset
  31. Manual offset
  32. Delete manual offset
  33. Zero offset
  34. Spindle speed limitation
  35. Oriented spindle stop
  36. Tool
  37. Selecting/deselecting tool offset
  38. Measure tool
  39. Tool wear compensation
  40. Measuring system changeover inch/metric
  41. Turning Simple Contours
  42. Turning in manual mode
  43. Turning with path dimension input
  44. Turning with STRAIGHT mode
  45. Turning with CONICAL mode
  46. Turning with CIRCLE mode
  47. Turning with the contour handwheel and JOG keys +/–
  48. Turning with Cycles
  49. General notes
  50. Turning cycles in CYCLE mode
  51. Controlling thread cutting operations
  52. Re-working a thread
  53. Undercuts Form E and F
  54. Thread undercuts
  55. Drilling in longitudinal axis (center)
  56. Hole circle drilling
  57. Stock removal/grooving cycles in STOCK REMOVAL mode
  58. Grooving cycles
  59. Turning any Contours (Free Contour Input)
  60. Create new contour
  61. Symbolic representation of contour
  62. Graphic representation of contour
  63. Create contour elements
  64. Editing contour elements
  65. Stock removal against contour
  66. Machining residual material
  67. Single-cycle machining
  68. Program Creation with EasyStep and G Code
  69. Parts Program
  70. Creating a machining sequence
  71. Display machining sequence
  72. Program steps
  73. Special functions
  74. Insert G code step
  75. Program editor
  76. Switching off the program
  77. Single-step mode (single block)
  78. Tool nose radius compensation
  79. G code programming
  80. G code editor
  81. Create new parts program
  82. Editing program blocks
  83. Parts Program Management
  84. General
  85. Select a file
  86. Storing thread undercut and thread cycles
  87. Rename/copy file
  88. Error/transmission log
  89. General Functions
  90. Simulation and simultaneous recording
  91. Simulation
  92. Simultaneous recording
  93. Teach In
  94. Deselecting "Teach In"
  95. Transferring machining steps to system
  96. Transferring auxiliary functions to system
  97. Standard CNC operation
  98. Intervention in the Machining Process
  99. Aborting a machining operation
  100. Repositioning
  101. Saving manual offset with "Store offset" function
  102. Alarms and Messages
  103. Alarms and messages in ManualTurn cycles
  104. Messages in cycles
  105. Alarms with ManualTurn
  106. Description of alarms
  107. Examples
  108. Example 1: External machining with groove and thread
  109. Example 2: External machining with sphere
  110. Example 3: External machining with thread undercuts and grooves
  111. Example 4: External machining with thread undercut and groove
  112. Appendix
  113. A Abbreviations
  114. C References
SINUMERIK 810DE first page preview


Brand: Siemens | Category: Controller
Table of contents
SINUMERIK 810DE first page preview


Brand: Siemens | Category: Control Unit
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Description of workpiece points
  7. Definition of workpiece positions
  8. Polar coordinates
  9. Incremental dimension
  10. Plane designations
  11. Position of zero points
  12. Position of coordinate systems
  13. Machine coordinate system
  14. Basic coordinate system
  15. Workpiece coordinate system
  16. Frame system
  17. Assignment of workpiece coordinate system to machine axes
  18. Current workpiece coordinate system
  19. Axes
  20. Main axes/Geometry axes
  21. Special axes
  22. Channel axes
  23. Synchronized axes
  24. Command axes
  25. Lead link axes
  26. Coordinate systems and workpiece machining
  27. Structure and contents of an NC program
  28. Language elements of the programming language
  29. Programming a sample workpiece
  30. First programming example for milling application
  31. Second programming example for milling application
  32. Programming example for turning application
  33. General notes
  34. Absolute/relative dimensions
  35. Incremental dimensions (G91, X=IC)
  36. Absolute dimension for rotary axes (DC, ACP, ACN)
  37. Dimensions inch/metric, (G70/G700, G71/G710)
  38. Special turning functions
  39. Position of workpiece
  40. Zero offset (frame), G54 to G57, G505 to G599, G53, G500/SUPA
  41. Selection of working plane (G17 to G19)
  42. Working area limitation (G25/G26, WALIMON, WALIMOF)
  43. Reference point approach (G74)
  44. Travel commands with polar coordinates, polar angle, polar radius
  45. Traversing commands with polar coordinates, (G0, G1, G2, G3 AP=..., RP=...)
  46. Rapid traverse movement (G0, RTLION, RTLIOF)
  47. Linear interpolation (G1)
  48. Circular interpolation types, (G2/G3, CIP, CT)
  49. Circular interpolation with center point and end point (G2/G3, I=, J=, K=AC...)
  50. Circular interpolation with radius and end point (G2/G3, CR)
  51. Circular interpolation with arc angle and center point (G2/G3, AR=)
  52. Circular interpolation with polar coordinates (G2/G3, AP=, RP=)
  53. Circular interpolation with intermediate and end points (CIP)
  54. Circular interpolation with tangential transition (CT)
  55. Helical interpolation (G2/G3, TURN=)
  56. Involute interpolation (INVCW, INVCCW)
  57. Contour definitions
  58. Two straight lines (ANG1, X3... Z3... ANG2)
  59. Three straight lines (ANG1, X3... Z3... ANG2, X4... Z4...)
  60. End point programming with angle
  61. operating principle
  62. Programmable run-in and run-out paths (DITS, DITE)
  63. Linear progressive/degressive thread pitch change (G34, G35)
  64. Tapping without compensating chuck (G331, G332)
  65. Tapping with compensating chuck (G63)
  66. Stop with thread cutting(LFOF, LFON, LFTXT, LFWP, LFPOS)
  67. Lifting on retraction (LFTXT, LFWP, LFPOS, POLF, POLFMASK; POLFMLIN)
  68. Approaching a fixed point (G75)
  69. Travel to fixed stop (FXS, FXST, FXSW)
  70. Chamfer, rounding (CHF, CHR, RND, RNDM, FRC, FRCM)
  71. Exact stop (G60, G9, G601, G602, G603)
  72. Continuous-path mode (G64, G641, G642, G643, G644)
  73. Acceleration behavior
  74. Influence of acceleration on following axes (VELOLIMA, ACCLIMA, JERKLIMA)
  76. Smoothing the path velocity
  77. Traversing with feedforward control, FFWON, FFWOF
  78. Contour accuracy, CPRECON, CPRECOF
  79. Dwell time, G4
  80. Internal preprocessor stop
  81. General
  82. Frame instructions
  83. Programmable zero offset
  84. Axial zero offset (G58, G59)
  85. Programmable rotation (ROT, AROT, RPL)
  86. Programmable frame rotations with solid angles (ROTS, AROTS, CROTS)
  87. Programmable scale factor (SCALE, ASCALE)
  88. Programmable mirroring (MIRROR, AMIRROR)
  89. Frame generation according to tool orientation (TOFRAME, TOROT, PAROT)
  90. Deselect frame (G53, G153, SUPA, G500)
  91. Deselect DRF (handwheel) offsets, overlaid motions and transformation (DRFOF, CORROF TRAFOOF)
  92. Feedrate (G93, G94, G95 or F..., FGROUP, FGREF)
  93. Traversing positioning axes (POS, POSA, POSP, FA, WAITP, WAITMC)
  94. Position-controlled spindle operation (SPCON, SPCOF)
  95. Positioning spindles (position-controlled axis operation) (SPOS, M19 and SPOSA)
  96. Milling on turned parts (TRANSMIT)
  97. Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL)
  98. Feedrate for positioning axes/spindles (FA, FPR, FPRAON, FPRAOF)
  99. Percentage feedrate override (OVR, OVRA)
  100. Feedrate with handwheel override (FD, FDA)
  101. Percentage acceleration override (ACC option)
  102. Feedrate optimization for curved path sections (CFTCP, CFC, CFIN)
  103. Spindle speed (S), direction of spindle rotation (M3, M4, M5)
  104. Constant cutting rate (G96, G961, G97, G971, LIMS)
  105. Constant grinding wheel peripheral speed (GWPSON, GWPSOF)
  106. Programmable spindle speed limitation (G25, G26)
  107. Multiple feedrate values in one block (F.., ST=.., SR=.., FMA.., STA=.., SRA=..)
  108. Blockwise feed (FB...)
  109. Tool offsets in the control's offset memory
  110. List of tool types
  111. Tool selection/tool call T
  112. Tool offset D
  113. Tool selection T with tool management
  114. Turning machine with circular magazine (T selection)
  115. Milling machine with chain magazine (T selection)
  116. Tool offset call D with tool management
  117. Milling machine with chain magazine (D call)
  118. Activating the active tool offset immediately
  119. Tool radius compensation (G40, G41, G42)
  120. Contour approach and retraction (NORM, KONT, KONTC, KONTT)
  121. Compensation at the outside corners (G450, G451)
  122. Smooth approach and retraction
  123. Approach and retraction with enhanced retraction strategies (G460, G461, G462)
  124. Collision monitoring (CDON, CDOF, CDOF2)
  125. ½ D tool offset (CUT2D, CUT2DF)
  126. Tool length compensation for orientable toolholders (TCARR, TCOABS, TCOFR)
  127. Grinding-specific tool monitoring in parts programs (TMON, TMOF)
  128. Additive offsets
  129. Specify wear and setup values ($TC_SCPxy[t,d], $TC_ECPxy[t,d])
  130. Delete additive offsets (DELDL)
  131. Special handling of tool offsets
  132. Mirroring of tool lengths
  133. Wear sign evaluation
  134. Tool length and plane change
  135. Tools with a relevant cutting edge length
  136. Special functions
  137. M functions
  138. H functions
  139. Arithmetic Parameters and Program Jumps
  140. Unconditional program jumps
  141. Conditional program jumps (IF, GOTOB, GOTOF, GOTO, GOTOC)
  142. Subprograms and Repetition of Program Sections
  143. Subprogram call
  144. Subprogram with program repetition
  145. Program section repetition
  146. Tables
  147. List of addresses
  148. List of G functions/preparatory functions
  149. List of predefined subprograms
  150. Predefined subprogram calls in motion-synchronous actions
  151. Predefined functions
  152. Data types
  153. A.1 Abbreviations
  154. Glossary
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