4 03.04 Machine Operating Area4.4 Jog operating mode 4 Siemens AG, 2004. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D/810D Operator’s Guide HMI Embedded (BEM) – 03.04 Edition 4-934.4.5 SI (Safety Integrated): User confirmationFunctionIf the "User enabling" option is installed on the NC, you must enableor disable the function depending on the keyswitch position in the"Approach reference point" operating mode.User enabling can only be granted if keyswitch position 3 or higher isselected for the keyswitch position.The displayed values always refer to the machine coordinate system(MCS).Operating sequence"Jog Ref" mode is selected in the "Machine" operating area.The channel to be referenced is already selected.UserconfirmationPress softkey "User confirmation".The "Confirm machine positions" window is opened.The machine axes in the MCS are displayed, together with the currentposition and a checkbox for activating/deactivating the userconfirmation.Place the cursor on the required machine axis.Activate or deactivate the user confirmation for the selected machineaxis via the "Select" key.Check whether a reference point approach has been performed onthe relevant axis. If not, error message "Please reference axis first" isdisplayed. User agreement cannot be activated for the axis until it hasbeen referenced.Further informationThe function user enabling is only provided if user enabling is requiredfor at least one axis of the channel.For more information please refer to:References /FBSI/, Description of Functions SINUMERIK Safety Integrated.