
Sony PCS-G50P manuals

PCS-G50P first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: Conference System
Table of contents
PCS-G50P first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: Conference System
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Using This Manual
  9. Features
  10. System Components
  11. Optional Equipment
  12. System Configuration
  13. System Configuration via an ISDN
  14. System Configuration via a LAN for Multipoint Conference
  15. System Configuration via an ISDN for Multipoint Conference
  16. System Configuration via a LAN and ISDN for Multipoint Conference
  17. System Configuration via a LAN for Multipoint Data Conference
  18. System Configuration via an ISDN for Multipoint Data Conference
  19. System Configuration via a LAN and ISDN for Multipoint Data Conference
  20. System Configuration using the PCSA-CTG70/CTG70P Camera Unit
  21. System Configuration using the PCSA-A7 Microphone
  22. System Connections
  23. System Connection via an ISDN
  24. Preparing the System
  25. Inserting Batteries into the Remote Commander
  26. Turning On/Off the TV Monitor Together With the Communication Terminal
  27. Turning the System On/Off
  28. Standby Mode Function
  29. Turning Off
  30. Displaying Help
  31. Setting Up the System for the First Time — Initial Setup Wizard
  32. Using the Menus
  33. enter button
  34. Menu Configuration
  35. Entering Characters
  36. Registering Local Information
  37. Dial Setup Menu
  38. Answer Setup Menu
  39. Status Menu
  40. Audio Setup Menu
  41. Video Setup Menu
  42. General Setup Menu
  43. Administrator Setup Menu
  44. LAN Setup Menu
  45. ISDN Setup Menu
  46. SPID Settings for Customers in the USA and Canada
  47. Information Menu
  48. SIP Setup Menu
  49. Registering a Remote Party – Phone Book
  50. Changing the Contents of the Phone Book
  51. Copying the Setting of the Phone Book Menu
  52. Creating a Private Phone Book
  53. Setting Up the Network Configurations
  54. LAN (Connecting Through a Router)
  55. LAN (Connecting through a Gatekeeper)
  56. LAN (Connecting through NAT)
  57. LAN (PPPoE Connections)
  58. ISDN Connections
  59. Starting a Conference by Calling a Remote Party
  60. Using the Launcher Menu
  61. Calling a Remote Party
  62. Receiving a Call from a Remote Party
  63. Ending the Conference
  64. Adjusting the Sound
  65. Turning Off the Sound On Answering – Mic on Answer Function
  66. Adjusting the Camera
  67. Adjusting the Camera Angle and Zoom
  68. Adjusting the Focus and Brightness
  69. Presetting the Angle and Zoom Settings
  70. Recalling the Preset Angle and Zoom Setting
  71. Setting the Tracking Camera Mode
  72. Using Training
  73. Selecting the Input Picture and Sound
  74. Switching the Picture Displayed on the TV Monitor
  75. Switching the Sound to Be Sent to the Remote Party
  76. Monitoring the Local Picture as a Window Picture – PinP Feature
  77. Conducting a Videoconference Using the Dual Video Function
  78. Activating the Dual Video Function
  79. Using Still Images Stored on a "Memory Stick" for a Videoconference
  80. Sending a Still Image Stored on a "Memory Stick
  81. Formatting a "Memory Stick
  82. Memory Stick" Media
  83. Sending Motion Pictures as Still Images
  84. Sending a Still Image Using the Communication Submenu
  85. Sending Motion Pictures Output from a Document Stand as Still Images
  86. Sending Motion Pictures Input from an External Camera or Other Equipment as Still Images
  87. Receiving Still Images from a Remote Party
  88. Saving Still Images to a "Memory Stick
  89. Saving Still Images Using the Memory Stick Menu
  90. Saving Still Images Using the Communication Submenu
  91. Using a Convenient Menu Available during Communication The Communication Submenu
  92. Streaming a Videoconference
  93. Recording a Videoconference
  94. Using the PCSA-CTG70/CTG70P Camera Unit
  95. Using Multiple Monitors
  96. Using Three Monitors–Triple Monitor Setup
  97. Using Multiple Microphones
  98. Using the Communication Transducer (CTE)
  99. Using the PCSA-A7 Microphones
  100. Using the Conversion Adaptor
  101. Using a Second Camera
  102. Recording Audio During a Conference
  103. Sending Audio/Video from the External Equipment to a Remote Party
  104. Conducting a Conference Without the Picture – Voice Meeting
  105. Controlling the Remote System With the Tone Signal – DTMF Transmission
  106. Conducting a Data Conference Using NetMeeting – T.120 Data Conference
  107. Accessing the Communication Terminal
  108. Chapter 5: Data Conference
  109. Connection Example Using the Data Solution Box
  110. Connecting the CTE-600 Communication Transducer
  111. Using Audio/Video Signal from the Connected Equipment for a Conference
  112. Displaying the Picture on a Projector or Monitor
  113. Outputting the Signal to Two Monitors
  114. Chapter 6: Videoconference Using a Whiteboard
  115. Connection Example With a Whiteboard
  116. Attaching the mimio Xi on the Whiteboard
  117. Conducting a Videoconference Using a Whiteboard
  118. Preparing for an Encrypted Videoconference via LAN
  119. Starting an Encrypted Videoconference
  120. Chapter 8: Multipoint Videoconference
  121. Connection Examples for a Multipoint Videoconference
  122. Using the Cascade Connection via LAN (Up to 10 Points)
  123. Using the ISDN Connection
  124. Using Both LAN and ISDN
  125. Using the LAN cascade and ISDN connection
  126. Installing the MCU Software
  127. To check if the installation of the software is complete
  128. Setting for a Multipoint Videoconference
  129. Registering the Remote Parties in the Multipoint Connection List
  130. Starting a Multipoint Videoconference
  131. Using the Display Control
  132. Broadcast Modes and Displayed Windows
  133. Switching the Broadcast Mode
  134. Receiving the Broadcast Requested From Any Other Terminal
  135. Ending the Multipoint Videoconference
  136. Notes on Secondary Terminals
  137. Connecting the External MCU
  138. Multipoint Attributes
  139. Chapter 9: Videoconference Using SIP
  140. Connection Examples for a Videoconference Using SIP
  141. Connection Examples for Multipoint Videoconference
  142. Preparing for a Videoconference Using SIP
  143. Setting for SIP
  144. Registering Remote Parties in the Phone Book
  145. Starting a Videoconference Using SIP
  146. Putting a Call on Hold
  147. Transferring a Call
  148. Ending a Videoconference
  149. Chapter 10: Web Control Function
  150. Open the Web
  151. Identify a user
  152. Select a tool
  153. How to use "Controller
  154. To control the PCS-G70/G70P from the on-screen Remote Commander
  155. How to use "Dial/Disconnect
  156. For Multipoint Videoconferences
  157. How to use "Phone Book
  158. Phone Book-Edit
  159. Phone Book-New
  160. How to use "Setup
  161. To display the "Send Message
  162. To reset the system
  163. How to use "Info
  164. To display the Cause Code list
  165. To display the Call Log
  166. Monitor a meeting over the Web
  167. Watching a streaming videoconference
  168. Location and Function of Parts and Controls
  169. PCSA-CG70/CG70P Camera Unit (Optional)
  170. PCSA-CTG70/CTG70P Camera Unit (Optional)
  171. PCS-RG70 Remote Commander
  172. PCSA-B384S ISDN Unit (Optional)
  173. PCSA-B768S ISDN Unit (Optional)
  174. PCSA-DSB1S Data Solution Box (Optional)
  175. Indicators
  176. On-screen Messages
  177. Troubleshooting
  178. Specifications
  179. PCS-AC19V6 AC Adaptor
  180. PCSA-PRI ISDN Unit (Optional)
  181. PCSA-M0G70 H.320 MCU Software (Optional)
  182. Acceptable RGB Input/Output Signals
  183. Pin Assignments
  184. Pin Assignments on Optional Board Connectors
  185. List of Port Numbers Used on the PCS-PG70/PG70P
  186. Videoconferencing Room Layout
  187. Glossary
PCS-G50P first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: Conference System
Table of contents
PCS-G50P first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: Conference System
PCS-G50P first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: Conference System
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. using this manual
  7. Features
  8. system components
  9. optional equipment
  10. system configuration
  11. system configuration via an isdn
  12. system configuration via a lan for multipoint conference
  13. system configuration via an isdn for multipoint conference
  14. and ISDN for Multipoint Conference
  15. system configuration via a lan for multipoint data conference
  16. system configuration via an isdn for multipoint data conference
  17. and ISDN for Multipoint Data Conference
  18. System Configuration using the PCSA-A7 Microphone
  19. system connections
  20. system connection via an isdn
  21. preparing the system
  22. inserting batteries into the remote commander
  23. Terminal
  24. Turning the System On/Off
  25. standby mode function
  26. System to Standby Mode
  27. turning off
  28. Displaying Help
  29. Initial Setup Wizard
  30. Using the Menus
  31. Menu Configuration
  32. entering characters
  33. registering local information
  34. dial setup menu
  35. answer setup menu
  36. status menu
  37. audio setup menu
  38. video setup menu
  39. general setup menu
  40. administrator setup menu
  41. general setup
  42. LAN Setup Menu
  43. isdn setup menu
  44. spid settings for customers in the usa and canada
  45. Information Menu
  46. sip setup menu
  47. phone book
  48. changing the contents of the phone book
  49. deleting the registered remote party
  50. Starting a Conference by Calling a Remote Party
  51. using the launcher menu
  52. Calling a Remote Party
  53. Party
  54. ending the conference
  55. adjusting the sound
  56. Answering – Mic on Answer Function
  57. adjusting the camera
  58. adjusting the camera angle and zoom
  59. Brightness
  60. Presetting the Angle and Zoom Settings
  61. Recalling the Preset Angle and Zoom Setting
  62. sending motion pictures as still images
  63. sending a still image using the communication submenu
  64. receiving still images from a remote party
  65. selecting the input picture and sound
  66. switching the picture displayed on the tv monitor
  67. Monitoring the Local Picture as a Window Picture – PinP Feature
  68. Memory Stick" for a Videoconference
  69. Sending a Still Image Stored on a Memory Stick
  70. Formatting a "Memory Stick
  71. Memory Stick" Media
  72. connected external equipment as still images
  73. Still Images
  74. Saving Still Images to a "Memory Stick
  75. saving still images using the memory stick menu
  76. during Communication — The Communication Submenu
  77. Recording a Videoconference
  78. Using Multiple Monitors
  79. Using Three Monitors–Triple Monitor Setup
  80. using multiple microphones
  81. Using the PCSA-A7 Microphones
  82. Recording Audio During a Conference
  83. Sending Audio/Video from the External Equipment to a Remote Party
  84. Conducting a Conference Without the Picture – Voice Meeting
  85. the Tone Signal – DTMF Transmission
  86. NetMeeting – T.120 Data Conference
  87. Accessing the Communication Terminal
  88. connection example using the data solution box
  89. Connecting the CTE
  90. Connected Equipment for a Conference
  91. Displaying the Picture on a Projector or
  92. Monitor
  93. Outputting the Signal to the Second or Third Monitor
  94. Chapter 6: Videoconference
  95. Connection Example With a Whiteboard
  96. Attaching the mimio Xi on the Whiteboard
  97. Conducting a Videoconference Using a Whiteboard
  98. Chapter 7: Encrypted
  99. preparing for an encrypted videoconference via lan
  100. starting an encrypted videoconference via lan
  101. Chapter 8: Multipoint
  102. connection examples for a multipoint videoconference
  103. Using the Cascade Connection via LAN (Up to 10 Points)
  104. using the isdn connection
  105. using both lan and isdn
  106. using the lan cascade and isdn connection
  107. installing the mcu software
  108. To check if the installation of the software is complete
  109. setting for a multipoint videoconference
  110. registering the remote parties in the multipoint connection list
  111. starting a multipoint videoconference
  112. Receiving a Call from a Remote Party
  113. using the display control
  114. broadcast modes and displayed windows
  115. switching the broadcast mode
  116. receiving the broadcast requested from any other terminal
  117. ending the multipoint videoconference
  118. Notes on Secondary Terminals
  119. connecting the external mcu
  120. multipoint attributes
  121. Chapter 9: Videoconference
  122. connection examples for a videoconference using sip
  123. connection examples for multipoint videoconference
  124. preparing for a videoconference using sip
  125. setting for sip
  126. registering remote parties in the phone book
  127. starting a videoconference using sip
  128. Location and Function of Parts and Controls
  129. PCSA-CG70/CG70P Camera Unit
  130. PCS-RG70 Remote Commander
  131. Indicators
  132. On-screen Messages
  133. troubleshooting
  134. specifications
  135. PCSA-M0G50 H.320 MCU Software (Optional)
  136. Acceptable RGB Input/Output Signals
  137. pin assignments
  138. pin assignments on optional board connectors
  139. List of Port Numbers Used on the PCS-PG50/PG50P
  140. videoconferencing room layout
  141. Glossary
PCS-G50P first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: Conference System
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