77Registering a Remote Party – Phone BookRegistering aRemote Party –Phone BookYou can register the telephone number or IPaddress of a remote party in the Phone Book,allowing you to dial the party very easily.Up to 500 remote parties can be registered inthe Phone Book. You can also store a stillimage such as a participant’s portrait in theindex list.You can also create a Private Phone Book ona “Memory Stick” separately from thePhone Book in the CommunicationTerminal.1 Use the V, v, B or b button on theRemote Commander to select “PhoneBook” in the launcher menu, thenpress the PUSH ENTER button.The Phone Book opens.2 Use the V, v, B or b button on theRemote Commander to select “NewEntry”, then press the PUSH ENTERbutton.The List Edit screen appears.3 Enter the name of a remote party in theIndex text box.For character input, see “EnteringCharacters” on page 47.4 Select the line interface you are usingto connect to a remote party with“Line I/F”.IP: Connects to a videoconferencingsystem on the remote site via a LAN.ISDN: Connects to a videoconferencingsystem on the remote site via an ISDNline.ISDN (Telephone): Connects to aphone on the remote site via an ISDNline for a voice meeting.Multipoint: Connects to multipoints fora multipoint videoconference viaLAN and ISDN.SIP: Connects to an IP phone using SIP.The List Edit menu switches accordingto the selected line interface.5 Set up various items for the line on aremote site.When “IP” is selected in step 4Registering a New RemoteParty