22 | Persona The Personalized Knee Surgical TechniquePersona Anterior Referencing4-in-1 Cut Guide - Size 742-5099-085-62Resection Guide00-5977-084-003.2 mm Drill00-5120-085-00Persona Slaphammer42-5099-037-001. InsertComplete Femoral A/Pand Chamfer ResectionsBy hand, place the 4-in-1 cut guide on the femur byaligning the two pins on the back of the guide withthe previously drilled positioning holes (Figure 42).Impact the face of the guide until the guide is flushwith the femur. Place the resection guide throughthe anterior slot of the cut guide to ensure thedesired anterior resection (Figure 43). If inadequatebone will be removed from the anterior cortex, drillthrough the two holes on the face of the cut guide(Figure 44a). Use the slaphammer to axiallyremove the cut guide (Figures 45a and 45b). Placethe next smaller-sized femoral cut guide on thefemur in the newly drilled “posteriorized” drillholes (Figures 44a and 44b). Verify the anteriorand posterior resection levels with the resectionguide to assure that the desired resections willbe attained. If too much posterior bone willbe resected the original femoral cut guide canbe used.Technique Tip: If the 2 mm shift holes are to beused, assure that the desired holes on the distalfemur are used. The resection guide can be usedas final verification of the anticipated anterior andposterior resections.Technique Tip: If there is a risk of anteriornotching, the 4-in-1 cut guide can be removed,rotated 180 degrees and be replaced on the distalfemur. Holes can then be drilled through the2 mm shift holes on the face of the 4-in-1 guide.The 4-in-1 guide then needs to be removed, rotated180 degrees and be placed on the distal femur inthe anteriorized holes. This will result in a 2 mmanterior shift of the 4-in-1 femoral resections. Usingthe resection guide, verify that the desired anteriorand posterior resections will be attained.Optional InstrumentThe shift block can be used to internally or externallyrotate the 4-in-1 cut guide 2 degrees and/or shift 1mm in the anterior or posterior direction. Refer toAppendix C: Optional Instruments: Shift Block, for use.2. Rotate3. ExtractFigure 43Figure 42Figure 44aFigure 45aFigure 44bFigure 45b