PREMIER AD INSTALLATION MANUAL. Software Version :PANEL-R1578 & LOOP-R1062Approved Document No: GLT.MAN-105A PAGE 2Issue : 2.02 Authorised: GH Date: 16/07/20071.INTRODUCTIONTHIS FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL IS CLASS 1 EQUIPMENT AND MUST BEEARTHEDThis equipment must be installed and maintained by a qualified and technically experienced person.1.1 HANDLING THE PCBSIf the PCBs are to be removed to ease fitting the enclosure and cables, care must be taken toavoid damage by static.The best method is to wear an earth strap, but touching any earth point (eg building plumbing) will help todischarge any static. Hold PCBs by their sides, avoiding contact with any components.Always handle PCBs by their sides and avoid touching the legs of any components. Keep the PCBs away fromdamp dirty areas, e.g. in a small cardboard box.1.2 USING THIS MANUALThis manual explains, in a step-by-step manner, the procedure for the installation of the Premier AD Range ofFire Alarm Control Panels. For full operational and maintenance information, please refer to documentGLT.MAN-106 (USER MANUAL, MAINTENANCE GUIDE & LOG BOOK). It also contains a System set-uptable, and Installation Certificate, that must be completed by the Commissioning Engineer prior to systemhandover.Unlike the User Manual, this Installation Manual must not be left accessible to the User.1.3 ABOUT THE PREMIER AD FIRE ALARM PANEL & INTEGRAL PSE1.4 DESIGNING THE SYSTEMThis manual is not designed to teach Fire Alarm System design. It is assumed that the System hasbeen designed by a competent person, and that the installer has an understanding of Fire AlarmSystem components and their use.We strongly recommend consultation with a suitably qualified, competent person regarding thedesign of the Fire Alarm System. The System must be commissioned and serviced in accordancewith our instructions and the relevant National Standards. Contact the Fire Officer concerned withthe property at an early stage in case he has any special requirements.If in doubt, read BS 5839: Pt 1: 2002 “Fire Detection and Alarm Systems for buildings (Code ofPractice for System Design, Installation, commissioning and maintenance)” available from the BSI, orat your local reference library.1.5 EQUIPMENT GUARANTEEIf this equipment is not fitted and commissioned according to our guidelines, and the relevantNational Standards, by an approved and competent person or organisation, the warrantee maybecome void.• The PREMIER AD Fire alarm control panel is atwo loop analogue addressable Fire AlarmControl Panel, with the loops split into 16 Zones.• It has 4 sounder output circuits each capable ofsupplying 250mA.• It has a set of fire relay contacts (voltage free) ratedat 1A SELV.• It has a set of fault relay contacts (voltage free)rated at 1A SELV. This relay is normallypowered to allow a fault output in the case oftotal power failure.• It has a class change connection to allow remoteactivation of the sounders. (not required byEN54-2)• It has an RS485 repeater connection.• It has the ability to disable any address, any zoneor any of the sounder circuits.• It has a one man test mode, which resets the zonein test after 8 seconds.(EN54 option withrequirements).• It has a maximum battery capacity of 7 Ah.• It will operate in ambient temperatures of –5 to40 oC• It will operate in a relative humidity of up to 93%(non condensing)• It will withstand vibrations between 5 & 150 Hz• It has a maximum capacity of 32 devices per zone• The PSE is linear, with a 1.5A output at systemvoltage (18-32V)• The mains supply is filtered before entering thetransformer.• The charger & battery are both fused at 2.5A (timedelay)• The PSE will draw a maximum of 25uA from thebattery in the event of mains failure. (the FACPwill continue to take around 60mA)• The FACP & PSE should be maintained asdescribed in section 3 of the User Manual,Maintenance Guide & Log Book.