PREMIER AD INSTALLATION MANUAL. Software:PANEL:R1107 & LOOP:R1062Approved Document No: GLT.MAN-105A PAGE 12Issue : 2.02 Authorised: GH Date: 16/07/200748-110 ZSCC Zeta Sounder Control Module48-115 ZT-ZM Zeta Zone Monitor Unit (Loop Powered)42-007 ZAMT Zeta Addressable Maxitone Sounder42-060 ZAMDD Zeta Addressable Miditone Sounder42-062 ZAMDF Zeta Addressable Miditone Sounder with LED Flasher42-030 ZAST Zeta Addressable Securetone Sounder48-020 ZTA/LE2 Zeta Addressable Remote Led Indicator47-055 ZTA-FR50 Fyreye Addressable Reflective Beam Detector 50m47-056 ZTA-FR100 Fyreye Addressable Reflective Beam Detector 100m42-001 ZMT/8 Zeta Conventional Maxitone Sounder42-002 ZMD/8 Zeta Conventional Miditone Sounder42-004 ZST/8 Zeta Conventional Securetone Sounder42-005 ZIDC/10R Zeta Conventional Megatone Sounder42-011 ZFL2RR Zeta Conventional Flasher42-013 ZLT/8RR Zeta Conventional Flasher Sounder41-003 ZTB6B/24 Zeta Conventional 6” Bells41-005 ZTB8B Zeta Conventional 8” Bells7.3 MAXIMUM LOOP LENGTH RECOMMENDATIONSWith an addressable system, some care must be taken when calculating the appropriate cable gauge for thesystem.The main limitation is that during an alarm condition (maximum current draw), the voltage at all detectors must beat least 17 Volts with at least 5V of superimposed data signal.The exact calculation equations are beyond the scope of this manual, because of the distributed load of thesounders on the loop, but the following table gives a rough guide for maximum cable lengths at various currentloads for 3 different cable gaugesMaximum Loop Current (in Alarm) 500 mA 400 mA 300 mA 200 mA1mm CSA cable 500 m 625 m 830 m 1250 m1.5mm CSA cable 750 m 930 m 1250 m 1870 m2.5mm CSA cable 1000 m 1250 m 1660 m 2500 mEG. A system with a maximum load of 300mA using 1.5mm cable can have a maximum loop run of 1250 m end toend.7.4 SETTING THE DEVICE ADDRESS (DETECTORS, CALL POINTS & SOUNDERS)The device address is set with a dip switch on the rear of the device.1 765432 8ONThe address setting is binary, withthe ON position being binary 0 , andthe OFF position being binary 1.Switch 8 is not used for setting theaddress, but sometimes has adevice specific function. (checkinstructions that came with thedevice)If you are not familiar with binary, check thetable on page 14, or use the following rule:Switch 7 off = add 64,Switch 6 off = add 32,Switch 5 off = add 16,Switch 4 off = add 8,Switch 3 off = add 4,Switch 2 off = add 2,Switch 1 off = add 1.The example shown would be:switches 6, 4 & 1=32 + 8 + 1 = Address 41