B.9 n: Special AdjustmentThe n parameters adjust more advanced performance characteristics such as Hunting Prevention, speed feedback detection,High Slip Braking, and Online Tuning for motor line-to-line resistance.u n1: Hunting PreventionNo.(Addr.Hex) Name LCD Display Description Values Pagen1-01(580) Hunting PreventionSelectionHunt Prev Select0: Disabled1: Enabled0: Disabled1: Enabled Default: 1Range: 0, 1 –n1-02(581) Hunting PreventionGain Setting Hunt Prev Gain If the motor vibrates while lightly loaded, increase the gain by0.1 until vibration ceases. If the motor stalls, decrease the gainby 0.1 until the stalling ceases.Default: 1.00Min.: 0.00Max.: 2.50 –n1-03(582) Hunting PreventionTime Constant Hunt Prev TimeSets the time constant used for Hunting Prevention. Default: <1>Min.: 0 msMax.: 500 ms–n1-05(530) Hunting PreventionGain while in Reverse Hprev Gain @Rev Sets the gain used for Hunting Prevention. If set to 0, the gainset to n1-02 is used for operation in reverse. Default: 0.00Min.: 0.00Max.: 2.50 –<1> Default setting is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.u n3: High Slip Braking (HSB) and Overexcitation BrakingNo.(Addr.Hex) Name LCD Display Description Values Pagen3-01(588)High-Slip BrakingDeceleration FrequencyWidth HSB DecStepWidthSets the output frequency reduction step width for when thedrive stops the motor using HSB. Set as a percentage of themaximum output frequency. Increase this setting if overvoltageoccurs during HSB.Default: 5%Min.: 1Max.: 20 –n3-02(589) High-Slip BrakingCurrent Limit HSB Current LimSets the current limit during HSB as a percentage of the motorrated current. Default: <1>Min.: 0%Max.: 200%–n3-03(58A) High-Slip BrakingDwell Time at Stop HSB DwelTim@StpSets the time the drive will run with minimum frequency(E1-09) at the end of deceleration.If this time is set too low, the machine inertia can cause themotor to rotate slightly after HSB.Default: 1.0 sMin.: 0.0Max.: 10.0 –n3-04(58B) High-Slip BrakingOverload Time HSB OL TimeSets the time required for an HSB overload fault (oL7) to occurwhen the drive output frequency does not change during anHSB stop. This parameter does not typically requireadjustment.Default: 40 sMin.: 30Max.: 1200 –n3-13(531) OverexcitationDeceleration Gain Hflux Brake Gain Sets the gain applied to the V/f pattern during OverexcitationDeceleration (L3-04 = 4). Default: 1.10Min.: 1.00Max.: 1.40 –n3-21(579) High-Slip SuppressionCurrent Level Hflux I Supp LvlSets output current level at which the drive will start reducingthe overexcitation gain in order to prevent a too high motor slipduring Overexcitation Deceleration. Set as a percentage of thedrive rated current.Default: 100%Min.: 0Max.: 150 –n3-23(57B) OverexcitationOperation SelectionHflux Brake Sel0: Enabled-Both Dir1: Enabled-Fwd only2: Enabled-Rev only0: Enabled in both directions1: Enabled in forward direction2: Enabled in reverse direction Default: 0Range: 0 to 2 –<1> Default setting is dependent on parameter L8-38, Frequency Reduction Selection.B.9 n: Special Adjustment304 YASKAWA TOEP YAIZ1U 03B YASKAWA AC Drive – Z1000 User Manual