Scanning from PaperPort26 DocuMate 250 Scanner Installation GuideAdjusting the Image Type, Resolution, Brightness and ContrastThe Scan Manager’s drop-down lists and sliders are used to adjustthe image type, resolution, brightness, and contrast.Image TypeFrom the Image Type drop-down list, select the appropriate imagetype for the item(s) you’re scanning:• Black and White—scans in black and white. The scanningpixels are all the same size and are either black or white.Use this setting for letters, memos, pen and ink drawings,and other black and white material. This setting producesthe smallest file size for scanned items.• Halftone—scans the image so it appears to consist of graytones. A pop-up menu appears so you can choose one ofthe halftone options. Notice that the preview imagechanges as you select each option so you can see whichone is best for scanning. Halftones produce simulated graytones by using black and white pixels of different sizes andis often used to produce newspaper and magazine images.Use this setting for lower resolution black and whiteimages. The halftone settings also produce small file sizes.• 8-Bit Gray—scans the image using up to 256 true shadesof gray. Use this setting to scan black and whitephotographs and other higher quality black and whiteimages. You can also scan a color photo with this setting toturn its colors into gray shades. The file size is about onethird the size of a color scan.ContrastBrightnessResolutionImage TypeHalftone Example