Hints and Tips System Guide10-2 Common ControllerColor SystemsGeneral CommentsThe time required to process a job can depend on variousinfluences. The time required to process a job is made up of 4components:• Time for a client workstation to generate the PageDescription Language (PDL, i.e. PostScript, HP-PCL, TIFF,etc.).• Time to transfer the job PDL across the net and be marked asreceived by the DocuSP.• Time required to RIP the PDL to produce the bit maps thatthe print engine can use.• Time required to write the RIPped bit maps to the print engineand generate paper.Time used to generate the PDLThis component is strongly influenced by the speed of the clientworkstation, the print driver being used by the application, andthe complexity of the pages to be printed.Time used to transfer PDLThis component is influenced by the speed of the networkconnection between the client workstation and the DocuSP. It isalso impacted by the number of workstations on the network, bythe configuration of the net (i.e. number and speed of thegateways and routers and by the number of simultaneousnetwork connections that the DocuSP has to manage). Finally itis impacted by the complexity of the pages being printed (i.e. thesize of the PDL files being transferred).Time required to RIP PDLThis component is influenced by the efficiency of the PDL to beRIPped, the complexity of the pages being RIPped, the numberand resolution of images included, and the media/color spacetransforms being performed on the data before imaging/printing.