46Trip computer 3The trip computer show s v ehicle datawhich it continually records and evaluateselectronic ally .Some of the functions a ppear on thedisplay in a n abbrev iated form.Functions:z Rang e,z Effective consump tion,z Av erage consump tion,z Current consumption,z Av erage speed,z Distance,z Settings.Check control warnings a lways havepriority.Range over 30 m iles (50 km)The range is c alcula ted from the currentcontents of the fuel tank and the averageconsumption over the last 12 to 20 miles(20 to 30 km) of the journey.The range up dates automatically after abrief delay a fter the v ehicle has beenrefuelled . Manua l updating is also possible– see page 48.Ra ng e b el ow 30 m iles (50 km)If the fuel in the ta nk will allow less than30 miles (50 km), a warning "Range"app ears on the display.