167Electronicair conditioningsystemEle ctronic air conditioning system 3The system provides m aximum com fort inany w eather, at any outside temperatureand during any season.To ensure a constant and com fortableclimate in the v ehicle, the tempera ture ofthe inflowing air, the airflow rate a nd theair distrib ution are cha nged automaticallyaccording to clim atic conditions outsidethe v ehicle.The a ir is a utomatica lly regulated inaccordance with the settings personallyselected for the driver and pa ssenger sides.Tem perature cha ng es due to externa linfluences, such as direct sunlig ht, areautomatically compensated.Manua l settings e. g. operating w ithoutcooling and a ir distrib ution c an be selectedusing the menu – see p age 171.When the c ooling unit (cooling comp ressor)is on, the air is cooled and dehumidified.The current settings of the electronic airconditioning system a re show n in theinformation display 3.The display can v ary according to the ty peof presentation – see page 39.The pollen filter removes d ust, soot, pollenand spores from the inflowing outside air.The automatic air recircula tion system hasan air qua lity sensor to d etect harmfulgases in the outside air, in whic h case it willswitch automatically to recirculation.When set to automa tic mode, theelectronic air c onditioning system prov idesthe op tim um settings under almost allconditions. If necessary , the system can beinfluenced manually.The electronic air conditioning system isonly fully operational when the engine isrunning.At low outsid e temperatures the coolingunit (cooling com pressor) switches offautomatically.