231Self-help Diesel fuel system, ble edingNev er let the tank run dry !The diesel fuel sy stem is extremely difficultto bleed after running the ta nk dry becauseof the ex tremely high injection pressure.Consult a work shop. We recom mend thatyou consult a Vauxhall AuthorisedRepairer. Refuel as soon as possib le ifcontrol indicator Y illum ina tes, and refuelimmed iately if control indicator flashes.Do not start with quick charge rThis prevents d amage to electroniccomponents.Do not start by pushing or towingBecause your vehicle is fitted with acataly tic converter, it must not be startedby pushing or towing.Disreg ard of these notes ca n lead toinjuries which may be fatal. Vehiclepassengers should be informedaccording ly .