220Wheels, tyresTyresSee page 290 for suitable tyres a ndrestrictions.Factory -fitted tyres are m atched to thechassis and offer optimum driving comfortand safety .Changing tyre /whee l typeBefore switching to different tyres orwheels, seek advice on technicalpossibilities. We recommend that youconsult a Vauxhall Authorised Repairer,who will be able to advise y ou of anynecessary mod ifications. If tyres of a sizedifferent than those fitted a t the factoryare used, the electronic speedometer mayrequire reprogramming to ensure tha t thecorrect speed is displayed.Vehicles with theTy re Pressure C ontrol S ystem 3When using winter ty res or you change toother tyre sizes, tyre pressure controlsy stem sensors can b e retrofitted ifrequired. We recommend tha t you consulta Vauxhall Authorised Repairer. O therwisethe system w ill not indicate tyre pressuredifferences.Ty re p ressure control system 3 – seepage 212.Fitti ng new tyr esFit tyres in pa irs or in sets, which is evenbetter. Ensure tha t tyres on one axle arez the same siz e,z the same design,z the same make,z and have the same tread pattern.Fit directional tyres such that they roll in thedirection of trav el. The rolling direction isindicated by a symbol (e.g. an arrow) onthe sidewall.Tyres fitted opposing the rolling direction(e.g. when a tyre is changed) should berefitted as soon as possible. This is the onlyway to obtain full benefit from the designproperties of the tyre.Tyre inflation pressureC heck ty re pressures, including the sparewheel, a t least every 14 da ys and prior toany long journey ; the ty res should b echecked when cold. Don’ t forget to chec kthe spare.Use of unsuitab le tyres or wheels m aylead to accidents and render the vehicleunroa dworthy .We recom mend that you consult aVauxhall Authorised Repairer to hav ethe tyres replaced. A VauxhallAuthorised Repairer k nows the legalregulations concerning the disposal oftyres and therefore protects theenvironment and your health.