47 z vacon keypad operation and programmingTel. +358 (0)201 2121 • Fax +358 (0)201 21220559. If the test was successful, the drive will stop and return to the configured controlpath. The “Motor RS” parameter will contain a new value that is the calculated re-sistance of the motor.10. If the test was not successful, the drive will fault with a “RS Meas. Fail” message(Fault 34). If the test fails, you may want to try the test again with a different “RatedMtr FLA” or different Current Limit percentage.11. If the measurement process fails for any reason, it is possible to physically measuremotor resistance by using an ohmmeter and dividing the result by 2. Then enter thisvalue manually into parameter 514 (Motor RS).5.6.2 Activating Automatic RS Measurement via Serial Link (Modbus)1. Make sure there is no load applied to the motor and that the motor shaft is free tospin without damage or injury.2. Configure the following parameters to the data provided on the nameplate of themotor:• Rated Mtr Volt (509)• Rated Mtr FLA (510)• Rated Mtr RPM (511)• Power Factor (515)3. Change parameter “Find Mtr Data” (519) to a value of “Motor RS.” At this point, theRS Measurement will be armed.4. Start the RS Measurement by writing a value of 0x0007 to parameter “SIO CntlWord” (904).5. The measurement begins as the drive injects voltage to the motor at zero frequency.The test lasts about two seconds.6. If the test was successful, the drive will stop and return to the configured controlpath. The “Motor RS” parameter will contain a new value that is the calculated re-sistance of the motor.7. If the test was not successful, the drive will fault with a “RS Meas. Fail” message(Fault 34). If the test fails, you may want to try the test again with a different “RatedMtr FLA” or different Current Limit percentage.8. If the measurement process fails for any reason, it is possible to physically measuremotor resistance by using an ohmmeter and dividing the result by 2. Then enter thisvalue manually into parameter 514 (Motor RS).