connections vacon z 3224-hour support +358 (0)40 837 1150 • Email: vacon@vacon.com4*Note that the asterisked Vacon 50X model numbers cannot have external braking added.0061 30 60 34% 20 30420 102%0071 37 60 27% 20 30420 82%0086 45 60 23% 15 40560 91%0105 55 60 18% 10 60840 109%0140 75 60 14% 10 60840 82%0168 90 60 11% 10 60840 65%0205 110 60 9% 10 60840 54%0240 132 60 7% 10 60840 41%Model kW StandardResistance(Ω)StandardDB %of DriveMin. AllowedRes. (Ω) Max. PeakWatts Max. Ext. DB %of DriveTable 9:Vacon 50X Dynamic Braking Capacity