troubleshooting vacon z 10224-hour support +358 (0)40 837 1150 • Email: vacon@vacon.com812 Vac Im-blnce Input voltage im-balance 0The drive has detected asinglephase condition or avoltage imbalance outsidethe drive’s rating whilerunning a load that couldbe damaging to the drive.Check input voltage and current forimbalance, and correct.13 OverVolt-age Overvoltage con-dition0The drive has detected anovervoltage condition dur-ing power-up (not auto-re-settable).Verify incoming line power is withinspecification. Add reactor or trans-former to correct.1, 3 The drive has detected anovervoltage condition dur-ing a running condition.Verify incoming line power andcheck for regenerative load. Re-duce Regen load or add dynamicbraking resistors. Regen CurrentLimit may help; consult VACON.2 The drive has detected anovervoltage condition onpower-up on the load side.Verify incoming line power is withinspecification. Add reactor or trans-former to correct.15 Dyn Brake Dynamic brakeoverload0 The DB circuit is active onpower-up (not auto-reset-table)Check for failed braking transistor.Consult VACON.1The DB circuit is being ac-tivated for too long, possi-bly causing the resistor tooverheat or fail.Reduce braking cycle or increasecapacity. Activate current limit;consult VACON.2 The DB circuit is overload-ed because of too large aregenerative load.Reduce braking cycle or increasecapacity. Activate current limit;consult VACON.3, 4, 5 The DB circuit is faulty onpower-up (not auto-reset-table).18 OverCur-rent Overcurrent con-dition0 The drive sensed an over-current condition on pow-erup (not auto-resettable).Check for failed output power de-vice or shorted motor.1The drive sensed an over-current condition duringoperation. The current hasexceeded the safe opera-tion point of power devices.Reduce load on motor. Verify thatMotor FLA is programmed correct-ly. Check for mechanical bindingand shock loading.19 OverTemp Over-tempera-ture condition0 The temperature of theheatsink exceeded a tem-perature limit.Check that ambient temperaturedoes not exceed drive’s rating.Check for fan operation (assumingdrive has fans installed).1 The temperature of thecontrol board exceeded atemperature limit.Check that ambient temperaturedoes not exceed drive’s rating.Check for fan operation (assumingdrive has fans installed).2The drive sensed the heat-sink thermistor sensor isfaulty or not connectedproperly.Check thermistor connections orreplace. Consult VACON.3The drive sensed the con-trol board thermistor sen-sor is faulty or notconnected properly.Check thermistor connections orreplace. Consult VACON.20 Motor TOL Motor timedoverload trip 0The drive detected an over-load that exceeds the cus-tomer’s defined overloadsetting.Check load current demand. VerifyMotor FLA is programmed to thecorrect value. Verify TOL charac-teristic is correct for the applica-tion.21 Low Temp Low temperature 0This fault occurs if thetemperature of the heat-sink falls below –10.0 de-grees C.Verify that ambient temperature iswithin the drive’s specifications; in-crease the ambient temperature ifnecessary.Code FaultDisplay DescriptionAdv.FaultCode Explanation Suggestions for RecoveryNote: Shaded faults are auto-resettable, except where noted.Table 31:Vacon 50X Fault Codes