P3.13.1.2 OUTPUT IN STOP (ID 1100)Use this parameter to set the output value of the PID controller as a percentage of itsmaximum output value when it is stopped from a digital output.10.14 MULTI-PUMP FUNCTIONThe Multi-pump function lets you control a maximum of 4 motors, pumps or fans with thePID controller.The AC drive is connected to a motor, which is the regulating motor. The regulating motorconnects and disconnects the other motors to/from the mains with relays. This is done tokeep the right setpoint. The Autochange function controls the sequence in which the motorsstart to make sure that they wear equally. You can include the regulating motor in theautochange and interlock logic, or set it to always be Motor 1. It is possible to remove motorsmomentarily with the Interlock function, for example for maintenance.ONOFFONOFFDelayBandwidthFeedbackSetpointDrive is running at maximumor close to maximum frequencyM1M2Fig. 44: The Multipump functionIf the PID controller cannot keep the feedback in the set bandwidth, a motor or motors areconnected or disconnected.When to connect and/or add motors:• The feedback value is not in the bandwidth area.• The regulating motor operates at a close to maximum frequency (-2 Hz).• The conditions above are true for longer than the bandwidth delay.• There are more motors availablePARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 17524-HOUR SUPPORT +358 (0)201 212 575 · EMAIL: VACON@VACON.COM 10