P3.6.3 FB DATAOUT 3 SELECTION (ID 854)Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of theparameter or monitor value.The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel.For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.P3.6.4 FB DATAOUT 4 SELECTION (ID 855)Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of theparameter or monitor value.The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel.For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.P3.6.5 FB DATAOUT 5 SELECTION (ID 856)Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of theparameter or monitor value.The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel.For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.P3.6.6 FB DATAOUT 6 SELECTION (ID 857)Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of theparameter or monitor value.The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel.For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.P3.6.7 FB DATAOUT 7 SELECTION (ID 858)Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of theparameter or monitor value.The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel.For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.P3.6.8 FB DATAOUT 8 SELECTION (ID 859)Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of theparameter or monitor value.The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel.For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.10.7 PROHIBIT FREQUENCIESIn some processes it can be necessary to avoid some frequencies because they makeproblems of mechanical resonance. With the Prohibit frequencies function, it is possible toprevent the usage of these frequencies. When the input frequency reference increases, theinternal frequency reference stays at the low limit, until the input frequency reference isabove the high limit.P3.7.1 PROHIBIT FREQUENCY RANGE 1 LOW LIMIT (ID 509)Use this parameter to prevent the drive operating on the prohibited frequencies.PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 14924-HOUR SUPPORT +358 (0)201 212 575 · EMAIL: VACON@VACON.COM 10