P3.12.2.10 SP1 WAKE-UP MODE (ID 15539)Use this parameter to select the operation for the wake up level parameter.With these parameters, you can set when the drive wakes up from the sleep mode.The drive wakes up from the sleep mode when the value of PID Feedback goes below theWake-up level.This parameter defines if Wake-up level is used as a static absolute level or as a relativelevel which follows PID setpoint value.Selection 0 = Absolute level (The wake-up level is a static level that does not follow thesetpoint value.)Selection 1 = Relative setpoint (The wake-up level is an offset below the actual setpointvalue. The wake-up level follows the actual setpoint.)PID SetpointSetpointtWake Up LevelFig. 38: Wake-up Mode: absolute levelPID SetpointSetpointtWake Up LevelFig. 39: Wake-up Mode: relative setpointP3.12.2.11 SETPOINT 1 BOOST (ID 1071)Use this parameter to set the multiplier for the setpoint boost function.When the setpoint boost command is given, the setpoint value is multiplied with the factorthat is set with this parameter.10.12.3 FEEDBACKP3.12.3.1 FEEDBACK FUNCTION (ID 333)Use this parameter to select if the feedback value is taken from a single signal or combinedfrom two signals.You can select the mathematical function that is used when the two feedback signals arecombined.PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS VACON · 16924-HOUR SUPPORT +358 (0)201 212 575 · EMAIL: VACON@VACON.COM 10