– 63 –MainremotecontrolCheck codeE16 E1600:Overloading01-:No. of units connectedI/F Too manyindoor unitsconnectedAll stop • Combined capacity of indoor unitsexceeds 135% of combinedcapacity of outdoor units.Note:If this code comes up afterbackup setting for outdoor unitfailure is performed, perform“No overloading detected”setting.<“No overloading detected” settingmethod>Turn on SW09/Bit 2 on I/FP.C. board of outdoor headerunit.• More than 64 indoor units areconnected.• Check capacities of indoor unitsconnected.• Check combined HP capacities ofindoor units.• Check HP capacity settings ofoutdoor units.• Check No. of indoor unitsconnected.• Check for defect in outdoor P.C.board (I/F).E18 — — IndoorunitTrouble incommunicationbetween indoorheader andfollower unitsStop ofcorrespondingunitPeriodic communication betweenindoor header and follower unitscannot be maintained.• Check remote control wiring.• Check indoor power supply wiring.• Check P.C. boards of indoor units.E19 E1900:No header unit02:Two or more headerunitsI/F Trouble innumber ofoutdoor headerunitsAll stop • There are more than one outdoorheader units in one line.• There is no outdoor header unit inone line.Outdoor header unit isoutdoor unit to which indooroutdoortie cable (U1,U2) isconnected.• Check connection of indoor-outdoor communication line.• Check for defect in outdoor P.C.board (I/F).E20 E2001:Connection of outdoorunit from other line02:Connection of indoorunit from other lineI/F Connection toother line foundduringautomaticaddress settingAll stop Equipment from other line is foundto have been connected whenindoor automatic address setting isin progress.Disconnect inter-line tie cable inaccordance with automatic addresssetting method explained in“Address setting” section.E26 E26Address of outdoor unitfrom which signal is notreceived normallyI/F Signal lack ofoutdoor unitAll stop Outdoor unit initiallycommunicating normally failsto return signal for specifiedlength of time.• Backup setting is being used foroutdoor units.• Check power supply to outdoorunit. (Is power turned on?)• Check connection of tie cablesbetween outdoor units for badcontact or broken wire.• Check communication connectorson outdoor P.C. boards.• Check for defect in outdoor P.C.board (I/F).E28 E28Detected outdoor unitNo.I/F Outdoorfollower unittroubleAll stop Outdoor header unit receivestrouble code from outdoor followerunit.• Check check code displayed onoutdoor follower unit.If SW04 is pressed and held for atleast 1 second while [E28] isdisplayed on the 7-segment displayof outdoor header unit, the fan ofthe outdoor unit that has been shutdown due to an trouble comes on.If SW04 and SW05 are pressedsimultaneously, the fans of normaloutdoor units come on.To stop the fan or fans, pressSW05 on its own.E23 E23 —I/F OutdooroutdoorcommunicationtransmissiontroubleAll stop Signal cannot be transmitted toother outdoor units for at least 30seconds continuously.• Check power supply to outdoorunits. (Is power turned on?)• Check connection of tie cablesbetween outdoor units for badcontact or broken wire.• Check communication connectorson outdoor P.C. boards.• Check for defect in outdoor P.C.board (I/F).• Check termination resistancesetting for communicationbetween outdoor units.E25 E25 —I/F Duplicatedfollower outdooraddressAll stop There is duplication in outdooraddresses set manually.Note:Do not set outdoor addressesmanually.Outdoor 7-segment displayCheckcode Sub-codeLocationofdetection Description System status Trouble detectioncondition(s) Check items (locations)