Groundsmaster 4100--D/4110--DPage 5 -- 38Electrical SystemFuel PumpThe fuel pump is attached to the frame above the fuelwater separator (Fig. 48).Operational Test1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting deck,stop engine and apply parking brake. Raise and supporthood.2. Remove fuse F1--1 (20A) (Fig. 49) from fuse block toprevent the engine from cranking.3. Disconnect fuel hose (pump discharge) from the fuelwater separator.4. Make sure fuel hoses attached to the fuel pump arefree of obstructions.5. Place fuel hose (pump discharge) into a large, grad-uated cylinder sufficient enough to collect 1 quart (0.95liter).6. Collect fuel in the graduated cylinder by turning igni-tion switch to the ON position. Allow pump to run for fif-teen (15) seconds, then turn switch to OFF.7. The amount of fuel collected in the graduated cylin-der should be approximately 16 fl oz (475 ml) after fif-teen (15) seconds.8. Replace fuel pump as necessary. Install fuel hose tothe water separator.9. Install fuse F1--1 (20A) into fuse block.10.Prime fuel system.1. Fuel water separator2. Fuel pump3. Pump inlet hose4. Pump discharge hoseFigure 482134Figure 49F1F21 2 3 4F3F4FRONT2A7.5 A7.5A7.5A2A7.5A7.5A7.5AOPTION10A10A10A20AOPTIONM1 (60A)M2 (60A)FUSE F1--110A10AFuel Pump SpecificationsPump Capacity 64 fl oz/min (1.9 l/min)Pressure 7 PSI (48.3 kPa)Current Draw 2.0 amp