4. Turn the key in the ignition switch to the Onposition. The electric fuel pump will beginoperation, thereby forcing air out aroundthe air bleed screw. Leave the key in the Onposition until a solid stream of fuel flows outaround the screw.5. Tighten the screw and turn the key to the Offposition.Note: Normally, the engine should start after theabove bleeding procedures are followed. However,ifenginedoesnotstart, airmaybetrappedbetweeninjection pump and injectors; refer to Bleeding Airfrom the Injectors in Fuel System Maintenance,page 46.Starting and Stopping theEngineImportant: You must bleed the fuel systembefore starting the engine if you are startingthe engine for the first time, the engine hasstopped due to lack of fuel, or you haveperformed maintenance on the fuel system;refer to Bleeding the Fuel System.Starting the Engine1. Sit on the seat, keep your foot off of thetraction pedal so that it is in Neutral, engagethe parking brake, set the throttle to the Fastposition, and ensure that the Enable/Disableswitch is in the Disable position.2. Turn the ignition switch to the On/Preheatposition.An automatic timer will control the glowplugpreheat for 6 seconds.3. After preheating the glowplugs, turn key to theStart position.Crank the engine for no longer than 15seconds. Release the key when the enginestarts. If additional preheating is required,turn key to the Off position and then to theOn/Preheat position. Repeat this process asrequired.4. Run the engine at idle speed or partial throttleuntil it warms up.Note: Move the throttle to the Fast positionwhen restarting a warm engine.Stopping the Engine1. Move all controls to Neutral, set the parkingbrake, and move the throttle to the idleposition.2. Turn the key to the Off position and remove itfrom the switch.Important: Allow the engine to idle for5 minutes before shutting it off after a fullload operation. Failure to do so may leadto turbo-charger trouble.Setting the Reel SpeedTo achieve a consistent, high quality-of-cut and auniform after cut appearance, it is important thatyou set the reel speed controls (located under theseat) correctly. Adjust the reel speed controls asfollows:1. Select the height-of-cut at which the cuttingunits are set.2. Choose the desired ground speed best suitedfor conditions.3. Using the appropriate graph on decal 98-9342(Figure 32) for 5 blade or 8 blade cutting units,determine the proper reel speed setting.31