Sony DWR-R02DN User Manual
Also see for DWR-R01D: User guideOperating instructionsOperating instructionsOperating instructions
52User defined filesYou can use a frequency list from a user defined file(.chplan) to specify a user defined channel plan.Load the user defined file in [Channel Plan Adviser], anddetermine frequencies while referring to the signalenvironment information from scan results, etc.To create user defined filesUse a text editor such as Notepad to create the file. Be sureto specify “.chplan” as the file extension.Define one frequency per row.When the “#” sign is entered, text that is entered after the“#” in that row will be considered comments.Example: When defining a 12-ch plan that connects groupD1 of TV42-45 (US Model) for simultaneous operation.# User define Channel Plan# TV42-45 / D1 Group638.250 # 42-02638.750 # 42-06639.250 # 42-10639.750 # 42-14640.250 # 42-18640.750 # 42-22641.250 # 42-26641.750 # 42-30642.250 # 42-34642.750 # 42-38643.250 # 42-42643.750 # 42-46Only the frequencies indicated in the frequency listsupplied with the receiver can be used.[Omit IP address list] WindowWhen you register an IP address in this list, the IP addressis excluded from automatic detection and will not appearin the device list window.Use this function when multiple systems are connected onthe same subnet, and you do not want to display thedevices from other systems.To display the [Omit IP address list] window, select[Device] menu > [Omit IP address list].The [Omit IP address list] command can only be used inoffline mode.Adding an IP address to the list forexclusion from automatic detectionClick [Add], enter the IP address you wish to exclude fromdetection, and then click [Close].Changing an IP address on the listClick the IP address you wish to change, click [Edit], makethe desired changes, and then click [Close].Removing an IP address from the listClick the IP address you wish to delete, click [Delete], andthen click [Close].[Setting lock] WindowYou can prohibit the modification of receiver andtransmitter settings from Wireless Studio. Anadministrator password must be configured to use thisfunction.When setting modification is prohibited (i.e., locked), youcan temporarily enable setting changes by clicking the lockrelease buttons in the [Property] window and the [PropertyList] tab, and then entering the administrator password.Locking settings1 Select the [Setting lock] checkbox.NoteNote |
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